disc brakes to return to pro peleton - uci

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Lister Farrar
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Re: disc brakes to return to pro peleton - uci

Post by Lister Farrar »

So, I've been doing a little lobbying of cycling coaches and administrators across Canada to sign a letter asking for discs to be allowed on the road next year. You know the most telling reaction? It's not about safety, or rules, or insurance, as we've heard, they are saying they are not hearing from riders and families wanting this.

"Quant aux vélos des jeunes, personne ne s'est plaint de cette situation pour l'instant."
(approx translation: As youth bikes to nobody complained about this for now.)

Want to pass along your opinion?

CCC President John Tolkmap: john.tolkamp@gmail.com

Executive director of Quebec, member CCC High Performance Coimmittee, and probably leading influencer in this decision in Canada. Louis Barbeau, <lbarbeau@fqsc.net>
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