Another Crash

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barton bourassa
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Another Crash

Post by barton bourassa »

We were single file down Lansdowne heading into our final turn at Henderson, doing everything we were supposed to, when Michelle went down part way thru the turn. Mandy was right behind Michelle and smacked into Michelle's bike and went down hard. Looks like she may have hit her head.

A vehicle heading south on Henderson towards Lansdowne stopped and a nurse got out and offered a ride as she was heading straight to the hospital. Geoff and Mandy got in and headed off to the hospital.

John D was driving by and saw us gathered at the corner. He did a quick turn and was able to take Geoff and Mandy's bikes and also Michelle and her bike and take her home.

Michelle and Mandy, I hope you are both ok. Let us know.

Last edited by barton bourassa on Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Another Crash

Post by Rolf »

Oh, MAN, it's been a bad spell for spills. Greasy roads don't help.

Heal quickly guys. Really hope the helmet did its job...
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Re: Another Crash

Post by Alan »

For Mandy and Michelle, Mark and Mike who have been involved in recent crashes, I hope you all get well soon and that we'll see you out on the bike in no time. No curse on those whose names start with "M", right?

In the spirit of Laughter is the Best Medicine, I figure it's always good when a doctor examines you and starts laughing. So help yourself to ten hours of Dr. Hibbert laughing...
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David Hill
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Re: Another Crash

Post by David Hill »

I have to reiterate that we were doing everything right this morning. Very moderate pace, single-file, lights and fenders (albeit a too-short flap for me), and good communication. Likely nothing more than a patch of paint or tar that was slicker than anticipated.

How John Dower got to the crash site within minutes was astonishing. And more than a little eerie...

Heal up everyone... I may not see you again unless it's in daylight...
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Re: Another Crash

Post by Marc »

Speedy healing too you both... Hopefully nothing too major came out of the crash!
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John D
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Re: Another Crash

Post by John D »

David Hill wrote:How John Dower got to the crash site within minutes was astonishing. And more than a little eerie...
All I'm at liberty to say is that there's a reason the club pays me the big bucks.

To the real issue at hand - has anyone heard how Mandy's doing?

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Re: Another Crash

Post by Fozzy »


Hope Mandy & Michelle are ok.
Speedy recovery guys.
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Re: Another Crash

Post by wonger »

Hey everyone - thanks for all the concern. Mandy took a pretty nasty blow directly to the face this morning. I was looking over her helmet and I can't find so much as a scuff on it. She has a cut on her eyebrow, a huge raspberry on her cheekbone and another on her jaw. There's a small hole in her lip too. I love her but I'm not gonna lie; she's looked better.

We spent a few hours in the emergency at the Jubilee where she got cleaned up and checked over. She's got a concussion but not a severe one, so rest is in the immediate future. She's really lucky that it wasn't worse - as in losing a bunch of teeth worse - in so many ways.

Thanks everyone for taking such good care of us, especially Michelle and Hugh for brining food and clothes to the hospital. Thanks John for the timely stop, everyone on the ride for stopping and caring and to the random nurse heading to work who drove us to the hospital. As noted by others we really were doing everything right, but accidents still happen. Be careful out there and keep looking out for each other.
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Re: Another Crash

Post by burtonbikes »

Thanks for letting us know Geoff. I have been pretty worried all day. I'm glad Mandy is okay or at least its not worse. It was kind of shocking to see as we were all riding carefully in the rain. It could have been any of us. I'm so sorry that Mandy is hurt. Let me know if you guys need anything. And I hope Mandy gets back in the saddle soon.
Best wishes,