Ditch Dude Dave

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Ditch Dude Dave

Post by iross »

Any news on Dave? He'd been ambulanced away by the time I got back with the car. We have his bike at our place now. We'll drop it around when he's allowed to have it back...

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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Rita »

Dave, hope you're not doing too badly! I forgot to tell you, you shouldn't listen to Ian! When he suggested this morning that you could fall off your bike so that you could get a free X-ray, he was not serious!

For those of who who were clever and stayed in bed this morning, here are a couple of photos:
http://tinyurl.com/yknmkjv" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false

I kept it out of focus on purpose, you didn't want to see the details ....

I wish you a speedy recovery, Dave!
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Plawless »

Alan went to the hospital and reports Dave is ok. Badly bruised ribs maybe a break but in good spirits. Thanks to all the triplshotters for again thinking "team". We got fine doctoring by Alec. Rita and Ian took care of the bike. Rolf dealt with 911. It's great to ride with a group that has actually proved they won't leave a guy in a ditch!
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by AlW »

Uh oh. References to ditch and ambulance in the same post is never good. Hope he's ok.

I was clever (lazy) and stayed in bed this morning. Can't see the photo (it's private), so wondering which Dave it was?
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Rolf »

When Alan and I arrived at Emerg. we were sort of relieved and pissed at the same time to see Dave (Spiers, Al) alone and checking himself in with the admin clerk. We stood around for quite a while until he got a room and an intern got him into one of those sexy little blue numbers. I left the hospital around 8:30 as Kim had then arrived. He was still getting checked out by the doc when I left. The ribs indeed seem to be just bruised, but his face was looking pretty Mike Tyson and moving in many different ways elicited some pretty deep groans. Concern was over the brief lack of consciousness and possible concussion, or so I surmised from eavesdropping in the hallways.

Short story: Dave was mildly disappointed his bike wasn't a wreck so that he could justify a new, flash, Ti ride.
Last edited by Rolf on Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by BearPope Recruit »

Dave Spiers. Yes, here's to a speedy recovery! Keep us posted.
Best wishes, Jen
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by iross »

Kim doesn't know about the bike yet, no? I'm sure we could have a little "accident" with a bag of hammers and some stairs if he really wants a new one...
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by steve »

Hey Dave,

Very glad to hear that it doesn't sound like anything too serious. Hope you recover quickly and can get back on the bike!

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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Alan »

I don't think there's too much to worry about in terms of any head injuries. Dave seemed quite chipper and upbeat despite the fact coughing is a bit painful for him. His biggest problem is going to be explaining to the medical people that the leg numbness he has is related to a potentially herniated disk, which is not related to this mornings ditch digging, but from playing silly bugger on his cross bike a few weeks back. That'll teach him for cross-dressing!
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Alec »

Awaiting a CT - I spoke to the ERP. They want to rule out a splenic rupture. I spoke to his wife about a new bike- she would prefer that we take him off life support.

He is sore, but doing ok. May have a few more hours in the emergency. I will keep checking back.

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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by jeremy »

Wow, I missed the ride this morning due to some finicky fenders, looks like I missed some excitement. Glad to hear your doing ok Dave.
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Rita »

uff, I hope Dave's spleen is okay! Splenic rupture isn't any fun!
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Josh.E »

Does Dave have his 12 required bikes yet?
If a new bike is not an option, maybe compassionate euthanasia is worth looking into?
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by mlawless »

What a group! caring, concerned, amusing, but all with an edge!

Dave, I wish you a speedy recovery from both the initial bike injuries as well as any subsequent injuries that may arise from biking when you may have been cautioned against do so.

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Dave Spiers
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Dave Spiers »

Hey everyone thanks for all the kind words. Back home now just feeling a bit battered and frustrated that I missed coffee (hope you all still had time for a brew) I don,t really know how i screwed up, remember clipping the edge of of the asphalt and then getting sucked into the ditch (which by the way was very accommodating)
Rita, thanks for the pics, I look like a right pilock.
Ian, thanks for picking up the bike if it is in the way let me know (250 818 5819)and I can arrange to have it scrapped, oh I mean picked up.

Thanks again to all, if we are around on Sunday I will try to come out for a morning coffee.

Dave :) :) :) :)
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Rolf »

Phew... good to hear! :D

Put your feet up and enjoy a few days sans responsibility or movement. Eat all the drugs you can and save some for me...
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by iross »

Glad to hear you're not too much the worse for wear, Dave. Don't worry about the bike: it's certainly not in the way. And it's probably safer in our bike store. No-one's going to ride it into a ditch while it's there...
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Alec »

David - I am looking for a CT/xray - did they not do one??????
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by Josh.E »

Really glad to hear you're alright Dave. You sure don't deserve broken ribs or a spleen rupture after the last couple of weeks you've had with your hip and leg.

We did go for coffee, all six of us, and dedicated it to you.
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Re: Ditch Dude Dave

Post by bill »

Gald to hear that you are well. Maybe you, Barton and I can start a self help group. Let me know what you think and when we should have our first meeting. Also, watch out for the Tylenol 3's they may feel good now, but man they can come back and bight you in the ass...literally.
