Todays Crash

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Todays Crash

Post by Fozzy »

Can anybody let us know how Lisa is getting on please?
It sounded like a pretty bad crash this morning.
AJ Neale
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by AJ Neale »

Hi Neil,

I am hoping Claire will report in with some news as she was going to meet Lisa at the Jubilee. I went later to see how things were and perhaps pick up Lisa's bike, but the emergency reception did not have any information about a cyclist checking in (?). I hope the news is all good. Claire? So glad we had Chris and Craig with us to make the calm, informed decision to have Lisa seek further medical assistance.

Lisa, you are tough, but we won't begrudge you a couple days off (minimum) to heal!


P.S. Brian - did you manage to get the grease off your face?
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Bosie »

According to Claire, she is OK. Elected not to go to hospital , and is under Claire's care at home.

Perhaps Claire or Lisa will fill us in later....
Craig B.
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Mark C
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Mark C »

Claire posted something on Strava, sounds like Lisa didn't go to Emerge

The Princess
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by The Princess »

Thank you all for your concern and comments. I am ok, no broken bones, just road rash, bruises and a big headache. I elected not to go to the hospital as I had lots of interaction with Chris and Craig at the scene and afterward, and felt that it was a reasonable decision. I am very grateful for all their care and assistance, and feel lucky to have such great riding mates. Everyone was very kind to stop and make sure I was ok. I had no memory of the crash, or where I was at first, but my memory and vision are much clearer now. I know nothing is broken, well except my bike (!), and I also know there isn't much that can be done for a mild concussion except rest, which I am doing. I guess with a broken bike I will have no choice but to take a couple of days off, which I'm sure will be good for me.

If there is a lesson in all of this it is that we really should be taking that corner more slowly as it is too dangerous to be going so fast in a two by two formation, and there really is no point. I have been gapped there before as it seems that some take that corner really fast and then accelerate from there leaving those who aren't as strong (like me) and don't also blast through it to struggle back onto the back afterward. I've been in that position plenty of times and it's really unsafe.

Again, thanks to the B1s for all your support this morning. I'm sorry for stalling your ride! Hopefully it was less eventful after that. I am tremendously grateful to all those who helped me, especially Chris, Craig, Claire and Andrew. I'm going to have to learn to bake cookies so I can thank you properly!! :roll: See you on the road soon. Lisa
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Rolf »

Really sorry to hear, Lisa. I hope you (and your bike) get better soon. Don't be rushin' that concussion!

From Strava, I infer it was the slightly uphill, northward turn off Lansdowne onto Henderson before the final lap 4 sprint? (Confirmation will help us who weren't out this morning know where to bookmark your cautionary note for future reference...)
Paul C.
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Paul C. »

Really good to hear you are healing.Claires cookies will be helpful.
Yes..on the corner speed.

Would this be a good time ,AGAIN to discuss group size.. (And enforcement of same.)....and a new -members ride skills clinic ......etc..
A number of us in Todays. B2 were...shocked to the size of B1...Mark. C. and I were discussing splitting ours into about 2 groups of 7...and we didnt.

Some food for thought?

Lisa..come for coffee soon. We are buying!!

Cheers. pc
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by alan boden »

Having gone down on one of our Tuesday morning rides in that corner and breaking my Chinarello's top tube (what else is new!)...I'm with Lisa about stopping this from being a "drop 'em" corner. It also helps us deal with encounters with cars in that corner, if we're going in and out of it under safer control. Just sayin'...
Get well soon Lisa!
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Claire »

Hi guys and thanks for your concern. I'm sorry I wasn't on here sooner to provide an update (particularly to Andrew, who so kindly stopped by the hospital!). We are fortunate to have medical pros around, and we were feeling comfortable about getting Lisa home where I could keep an eye on her and watch for any progression of symptoms. There wasn't any, so she just needs to take it easy for a few days and let that noggin recover. I don't think she mentioned this, but the helmet has a serious crack in it, too. Thank you, helmet!.

I agree with the comments about group size and speed on the Lansdowne --> Henderson corner. We go around there so fast that it can be really hard to keep to half of the road. Granted, the minimal traffic at that hour usually allows for full use of the lane, but we can't count on an absolute absence of cars... Clearly. I was feeling pretty uneasy in a fast-moving group of 18+ this morning, and am not surprised that a crash happened. It sucks. Even our group would have been well off as two groups of 9. No shame in splitting up the group. It doesn't make anyone less of a B1 rider to be in a B1.1 group to stay safe.

I'm not sure what the answer is. But as the club grows with more great folks joining, it will clearly experience some growing pains... Perhaps more firm group size restriction is a good start. Fodder for a future club meeting, perhaps?
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Bosie »

Glad you are on the mend Lisa.

As to group size/ corners etc:

How does one enforce it/ would one want to? - Human nature dictates that there are always going to be some stronger riders in the B1s (maybe some A's recovering from illness/ injury) and some from the B2's trying to get comfortable in the B1's. And then there are the "regular" B1's. Why would we want to deny any of them the pleasure of riding in the B1 ride? Maybe the B1's should be a "drop" ride like the Saturday "Sufferfest" which seems to whittle down large groups fairly quickly until its a manageable size?

But then the B2 ride becomes a B1 ride with the same problems.

Its a challenging problem.

BTW: One thing I have also noted on the A ride (which does that corner about 5km/hr faster than the B1's) is that they take a MUCH wider line into it. The group starts far over in the left lane of the oncoming traffic before starting the corner (oncoming traffic permitting). This allows not only a wider line into the corner and a shallower line out of it, but also allows the group to see the potentially oncoming car sooner.
Craig B.
AJ Neale
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by AJ Neale »

So great to hear that you are home and healing Lisa ..... and if the only breaks are to your helmet and bike ..... well that's better than broken bones. And you get to go helmet shopping! We were all happy to stop and help out ( it's what Tripleshot people do I have learned ) so don't feel you stalled the ride; it was an accident and only after everyone knew you were safe and in good hands did most people carry on.

Thanks again to Chris and Craig. We do appreciate you putting yourself "on call" when these things happen, I think we all owe you some cookies! Speaking of cookies, Claire you went above and beyond today; thanks for making sure Lisa was managing fine. I did go to emergency to see how things were and pick up the bike if it was in the way, but when I was told a cyclist had not checked in I suspected and hoped that Lisa had gone straight home. It certainly sounds like a good decision was made.

A few quick things: Yes, Rolf, it was immediately after turning north on Lansdowne.... I believe this is the corner that has also claimed Alan B. and Alan C.? I think Craig made a good point about the corner being manageable at speed IF you swing (safely) wide since it also allows you to see if there is a vehicle coming down Henderson. We did have a big group this morning but I think a smaller group could have had the same outcome ...... we simply had to move out of the way of an oncoming vehicle and Lisa and Brian became the victims of "running out of room". It does tend to be a crazy corner especially when it is wet and although I think we want to be challenged I would argue that safety comes before speed since there are lots of other places to go full gas. I would suggest that Cedar Hill Cross Road turning onto Cadboro Bay Road should also be a "safety first" corner. Lastly, I thought I would post a "Group Size" theory just for fun .... all opinions welcome.

Hope you are feeling well enough to ride soon Lisa!
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Alan »

I call it "Raccoon Corner" as that's where I had the unfortunate encounter with one.
I hope you get well soon Lisa, but please tell me, was it the PINK bike?
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Andrew »

Heal well Lisa. Glad that you are ok. There were a few comments in the A pack that the B1 group looked huge and a number of folks lamented that there are so many faster riders dropping back into B1 from A. The pace over Jan-March has been quicker than in prior years, but the pace is manageable for most A riders and I would encourage people to try out the A's. I have always thought we need to develop a faster B1 ride to close the gap between A and B1's.
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by Claire »

Not to worry, Alan. Nothing pink was damaged in the crash. Just a little derailleur hanger. I think it's silver.
The Princess
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Re: Todays Crash

Post by The Princess »

Just wanted to check in and say a big THANK YOU for all the thoughtful comments and warm sentiments that have been posted and sent to me directly. I feel very blessed to have such caring people around me. I really hope you'll all come to my funeral when that happens - it would be great to have some good people like you to say nice things about me. I'll make sure it is fun - there will be draw prizes :lol:

I'm feeling a little better and went for a spin this morning. It didn't go as well as I had hoped so I'll give it a couple more days and try again. Still, I know I am extremely lucky that my injuries were not more extensive, and I am grateful that I can ride at all at this point. The Pink bike is still in surgery, but expected to make a full recovery as well. Hopefully we'll both be back out next week riding in one of the revamped groups.

Thanks again. I'm looking forward to feeling better and getting back out on the road with my chase buddies! Lisa