Lund on CBC As It Happens

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Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Claire »

This is getting bigger... Interviewed today by Carol Off for the nation-wide program As It Happens. She was uncharacteristically easy on him. He was characteristically gracious and self-effacing.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Alan »

This is getting a little vomitorious. With CBC's flagship program, (As it Happens), this is turning into a fricken shrine to Steve's highly athletic but mildly pathetic attempts at immortality. I'm too busy to poetize but I am very much wondering what Ozymandias himself would think of all this temporary celebrity: I could just imagine Steve's immortal epitaph:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away....

For those of you unhampered by a degree in English Literature, let me explain using Wikipedia's precision: " The central theme of "Ozymandias" is contrasting the inevitable decline of all leaders and of the empires they build with their pretensions to greatness"
Last edited by Alan on Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Lund »

Alan. You're clearly not spending more than a few minutes a week on your bike. And despite your desperate efforts, you're not getting any time with the press these days either. And it's sadly obvious that you don't spend much time at all on the craft of writing.

So I'll just ask what we're all wondering: how is it you're too busy to poetize?
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Rolf »

Cool, Steve! AIH is like centre stage for Canadian radio and you were great. I'm always amazed when they take on stories that are inherently visual in nature and still do them justice.

Garmina is def my favourite. I hope you can top her one day... Perhaps a bust of Ramesses II? But no—that would just encourage certain local adherents of English Romanticism.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Lund »

Peter suggested (and I like his idea) that I doodle a troll – a tribute of sorts to those pitiable losers whose seething jealousy and perennial glumness impels them to respond with vitriol to every good news story they see on the Internet.

People like...oh heck, I'm sure we all know someone like that.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Bosie »

But Steve you have done a troll already:
Craig B.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Lund »

Oh, Craig. Have you really thought this through? Are you SURE you're ready to accept the consequences of this little jab, all for a few back-pats from Alan?
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Bosie »

How bad can it get- I already have a Pillsbury Doughboy Avatar courtesy of Senor Lund.... :P
Craig B.
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Lund »

Craig. That's so weird. It sounded a little like you said "How bad can it get?"
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Bosie »

How did you hack my phone?
Doesn't TS have a policy against fat shaming?
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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by Lund »

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Re: Lund on CBC As It Happens

Post by leftcoaster »
