Garth and sliding on West Saanich

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AJ Neale
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Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by AJ Neale »

For all of you that missed it, our friend Garth went down on West Saanich road just before the Interurban intersection. We hope you are feeling OK Garth and that your limp is neither permanent nor indicative of anything serious. At our age we need to stay limber!

Thanks to all that stopped or returned to help pick up the pieces. Luckily traffic was fairly light and Garth had his super slippery fluorescent jacket that allowed him to slide nearly to the centerline on the wet road and lessen the blow.

Hope we see you out soon again!


P.S. Claire: Garth could have used a cookie after all that :)
Dave M
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by Dave M »

AND he is hardcore... he finished the ride with coffee!
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by Andrew »

I hope you are ok. That was very slick. Impressive to keep riding.
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by GarthC »

Thanks all!
I'm sure glad I didn't take anyone else down with me.
My orange slippery jacket saved my shoulder and elbow, but my lower back and glut are bruised and swollen which is affecting both hamstrings and right hip flexor (time to make an app't with my chiro to see what's out).
Thanks Mark C. for the antibiotic scrub brush...I was able to clean out the road rash really well.
And thanks Andrew for the me from seizing up too much.
Appreciate everyone that helped me after the crash and getting me to coffee! :)
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by EricS »

Wow! Just missed that. Sorry. (I was dropped on West Saanich just before the Observatory) Holly and I saw you riding home at MacKenzie and Borden. The mud on your jacket told a story for sure! Hope you're not too stiff this morning.

Eric Simonson
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by GarthC »

Was feeling the crash this morning, but was able to get in to see my chiro today which has helped a lot! Feeling good enough to cycle home mostly pain free! :)
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Re: Garth and sliding on West Saanich

Post by Alan »

Lemme see: "antibiotic scrub brush". What kind of hocus pocus medical intervention is this?
Some of us who research and write about medical stuff may need to look closer into what kind of potion this is.
Sounds like something like Steve Lund and his band of merry unicorns would be promoting. :roll: :roll: :roll: