Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

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barton bourassa
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Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

Post by barton bourassa »

A bit longer and a bit slower (well, quite a bit slower!) alternative to the traditional Sunday Social Ride.

Leaving Fairfield Starbucks at 7 AM. Your typical TSC ride just like the Beatles said, "All Together Now"!

100 K this time. The route:

Likely pace, 26 K/Hr +-.

Barton Bourassa
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Re: Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

Post by LouiseF »

No Barton's Revenge this week? ;-)

Those on the ride from last week know exactly what I mean...
barton bourassa
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Re: Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

Post by barton bourassa »

Mostly flat. Well flater than last Sunday.
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

Post by myboys »

Sooooo bummed I missed the ride today. Had to care for a sick child during the night, and slept through my alarm. Hope it was the usual excellent ride, and subsequent excellent coffee/carrot cake finish. I'll be out next weekend for sure.
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Re: Sunday LSD Alternative Feb 28

Post by Rolf »

We missed you, Mary. It was a ride to remember. 10 of us started, losing Brian S. to a blistering tire near Ash, picking up French Eric(k?) at Mattick's, and then losing John D. before Mitchell's. Wonderful tailwinds on the way to Sidney had us whipping along at 40 in eerie silence. As we turned southward after Land's End, the grinding work of headwinds and soaking showers began. Barton had us doing fun loops around Tatlow, Wain, and Ardmore and (thank Buddha!) filled one of my water bottles with Pepsi. Alan graciously shared his Doritos at the Co-op. But mostly it was a long slog southward, riding hard but in slow motion as we punched through all that air. I nearly came off my bike by the airport where the land opens up. We were all over the road through the Tseycum reserve, where the frothing waves feel so close. But by Interurban the worst of the struggle was behind us and the sun warmed our faces. Coffee at Fantastico has rarely tasted so good (though adding bacon to it probably helped.) Turning the corner by the Coast Guard Station at Fisherman's Wharf was like riding into deep water; the gusts had me whooping with glee. Mikael, Martin, Eric(k?), and I finished up along the waterfront, setting some new PRs as we turned the corner and got the wind behind us again. 120 hard-earned clicks.

It was a good morning to be healthy, alive, and on a bike.