Advice needed on lights!

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Advice needed on lights!

Post by Paula »

With all the discussion of late about how to help avoid accidents, one suggestion was lights. My light is good but I want a better one so I can do my part.

I went to MEC today and got a Light Motion 650 for $129. ... light/[url][/url]

The brightest they had was 800 for $30 or $50 more…

I did get one a few years back through Al, but the battery started to die too quickly.

Advice?? Or should I say, words of wisdom? What should I get that isn't going to be too crazy expensive?

If we get a bunch of folks who want to get new and brighter lights, maybe we can do some TS negotiation/deal making with a distributor or bike club in town.
Last edited by Paula on Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wonger »

I know that pretty much no one will have the appetite for this, but I bought a Lupine Betty nine or ten years ago and it might be the best piece of equipment I own. 1500 lumens (now something like 2400), still does two rides without a recharge, and has seen LOTS of use. Pretty sure OBB can bring one in for you if you have more than a few hundred to spend.
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Post by bikehart »

Or you could get 4 of these, one for each bike: ... hXTw_lVhBc
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Post by leftcoaster »

And the nice thing about Geoff's 'Lupine Betty" light is if he's behind you on a cold day, it'll keep your back warm... :D
The Princess
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Post by The Princess »

After shopping around a bunch I just bought the TAZ1200 from MEC for $239. It was the most lumens (1200) I could find for the weight (216g) and it was all in one unit so no extra battery pack. It has excellent reviews. I used it this morning and it lasted the whole ride on high, but the red light was on for the last 10 minutes, which I think means I better get home or it may die. But that's on high, which will light up your world, both sides of the street! It will last 3 hours on medium and there are 3 other settings.

I also have the Cygolite Expilion from MEC, which is 850 lumens, a little lighter than the TAZ1200 and also all in one. I think it was about $129 last year. Both are great lights.

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Post by John D »

leftcoaster wrote:And the nice thing about Geoff's 'Lupine Betty" light is if he's behind you on a cold day, it'll keep your back warm... :D
And you can see all the bones in your hand if you pass it in front of the beam!
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Re: Advice needed on lights!

Post by Paula »

Thanks to those who have posted.

Does anyone have experience with specialized flux expert?

The ones from china I have had, and although more affordable the batteries don't last long. Geoff, I looked up yours and very nice but omg costly. Lisa, the one you got from Mec I am considering.

It looks like $250 or more is what you pay for a 1200 lumen light.

More words of wisdom?
Last edited by Paula on Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Advice needed on lights!

Post by trevor »

OBB has a number of Serfas models that are great. I have a 500 and am buying a 1000. I have been super happy with my 500.