Gofundme for Geoff Homer

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Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:44 am

Gofundme for Geoff Homer

Post by Marc »

Hi Folks,

Some of you might know Geoff Homer - he's been a mainstay on the Tripleshot A rides for I'm sure a long while, but especially this year. If you don't know him, but having ridden A - he's the guy that constantly attacks off the front and makes things "interesting." Aside from that, Geoff is an all around great guy and a great ambassador for cycling in Victoria.

This season, Geoff has had some incredibly bad luck. Racing at Speedway a couple of months ago resuled in a crash and a broken frame, and then his replacement frame was stolen this past Thursday night. To help take some of the sting out of the loss, I started a Gofundme page. All proceeds, naturally, will go to Geoff. Throw a few bucks in if you are able, and thank you in advance. So far, we're up to $110 - which is totally enough for a bottle cage or two. ;)


