Thanks to the docs

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Thanks to the docs

Post by FairweatherMike »

Just when I was thinking, "I love the Friday ride - rolling pacelines rule" I got sloppy on Cad Bay Rd. and jumped left just a little too soon and a little too fast. Touched wheels with the unsuspecting and completely blameless woman in front and then had a new thought: "oh crap - I can't believe this is happening." Went down with a boom. What a rookie manoeuvre (or a pro move, from what I've seen of the Tour). Whatever. For the next while I'll be treating wheels in front like they're radioactive.

A big thanks to docs Steve Keeler and Dave (insert correct surname here) who instantly went into confidence-inspiring medical professional mode, with a thorough neuro exam and general checkover. And a third doc (engineering PhD - Tripleshot sure has a lot of smart people), Curran zipped off to his place and returned with his very comfy Subaru to provide my bike and I a welcome lift home. What a great crew! I could have limped home but it would have been a slow and painful experience. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.

The good news: apart from a fine well-distributed case of road rash, I'm OK. I think. The bike went down on the less expensive side, and seems to have escaped unscathed. Not so for my expensive winter kit, which looks like it took a load of buckshot. Good thing the gear order is still open today - some replacements will soon be on the way! And a tip of the lid to Bell, whose helmet performed as advertised. It well and truly gave its all in the cause of my cranial integrity. More shopping to do...

Thanks, all. Tripleshot rules.
Mike Skinner
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Re: Thanks to the docs

Post by Rolf »

Feel better Mike!

Do I gather you ditched at the rear of the paceline, as you followed the "last wheel" into the fast lane? If so, that was pretty smart. Going down at the front might have been less convenient for others. :) Well done!
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Re: Thanks to the docs

Post by FairweatherMike »

That's correct, Rolf. I was at the back on the right, watching the left rolling crew pedal away and reacted too hastily. While the fault was entirely my own, I will say that calling "last wheel" is a fine and courteous practice.

I am very grateful that it happened "in my own space" and I didn't take anyone else down with me (a la Cavendish, TdF 2014)...

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John D
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Re: Thanks to the docs

Post by John D »

Glad to hear that you (and your steed) are doing OK.

As our 3-person C group rode by, you were just wheeling your bike across the road to sit down. We naturally assumed that you'd just flatted, and upon seeing about 20 other people congregating around to watch you I commented to Mark and Kris "Damn, now that's taking the idea of a 'no-drop' ride just a little too literally!"

"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Lister Farrar
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Re: Thanks to the docs

Post by Lister Farrar »

Nice post mike. Classy. Like this club.

Hope your buckshot buckskin is baby bum smooth again soon.
"We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too."
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Re: Thanks to the docs

Post by FairweatherMike »

Thanks, Lister - and to the rest of you for your good thoughts on this post and privately. Coming up to the one week anniversary I am gingerly - and slowly - riding to work, feeling every crack, ripple and pebble. It's the left hip that really took the hit and is going to take some time to heal. Finally got around to syncing my Garmin and had the pleasure of seeing of that I hit the deck at 41.2 kmh. My first crash "at speed" (and hopefully my last for a good long while)...
