Speech, Speech

Club activities and announcements

Moderator: mfarnham

Posts: 146
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:37 am

Speech, Speech

Post by stevierooks »

Thank you to anyone and everyone who was involved in acknowledging my tiny part in this club this year. I received a small award last night which both surprised me filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Triple Shot Club Spirit :D

I didn't bring the TS spirit that I have shown this year, it was already present in the club and I just took some. People like Paul C really help drive the enthusiasm. All of the people in this club are seriously the best group of folks that I have ever had the privilege of hanging out with. It was a great year full of lots of speed and distance.

Last night was good medicine for me after my morning meeting with the pavement. Thanks again and Merry Christmas to all!

Paul C.
Posts: 489
Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 2:09 pm
Location: Fairfield,Victoria

Re: Speech, Speech

Post by Paul C. »

Thank you to all you great friends, riders and sometimes competitors ( I have gotten used to being beaten by 13 yr old kids like Sarah and Jack! )
The Spirit Award was a great surprise for me.

I felt very welcomed into this group almost 5 years ago and I guess I have tried to pass this on to new members, struggling riders and occasionally damaged Tripleshoters.

A special thank you to John D. , Mark Ford, Lister ,Rooks ,Foz ,Maritime Steve, Alan " Bolard " and Pete Lawless who have inspired me with their SPIRIT in ways they don't even know about.

See you on the roads and Trails,

regards, Paul Christopher