NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

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Paul C.
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NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by Paul C. »

In Stevie Rooks's last post about a suggested October 26, route I think he was high on endorphin's and country air.

After consultation with the G.G. committee, including Rooks ....this is the approximate route:

Gravel Grinder # 2 ....Visiting the Hill and Lake Country.
Sunday, October 26 ,Halloween masks are optional!

Leave Douglas and Alpha st.Starbucks( drive thru location ) at 7:15am. they open at 5:30am
Goose (slowly) to Juan de Fuca area,
Up to Goldstream ave,by Langford lake and into Malahat Highway.
Exit at South Shawnigan lake and onto Trans-Canada trail.
Over Kinsol Tressel ( this is worth the trip on its own )
West on TCT ,south of Lake Cowichan.
We may go right around Lake Cowichan or take a shortcut.
Stop somewhere for lunch or coffee.
Take undetermined quiet route to Mill Bay ferry.
Ride home from Brentwood Bay.

More information to follow on distance but I am guessing 80 to 120km. FUN.

Let us know if you are joining us on this adventure.

regards, Paul C.
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by mfarnham »

I'm interested, though I was more excited about Rooks' proposed route. The latest proposal sounds like a lot more pavement.

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by stevierooks »

That route around the watershed (Otter Point - Shawnigan) is epic! I'd love to do it again. It is an all day commitment and its tough. I didn't think we'd have many takers on that.

The other option (Hill and Lake Country) would be more sensible. I'd love to do that too.

I suggest we take the Hills + Lake option as it is late in the season and the weather could be unpleasant up around the Watershed. I am in either way.

See you next Sunday with my knobby tires on :)

alan boden
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by alan boden »

Jack & I are in....
Alan Boden
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by stevierooks »

Sweet! I am looking forward to Kinsol Tressel. I hope we can make it at least to there even if it's raining. I'm trying to convince my wife (Terra) to come, and if she does, that will help keep my speed in check :)

See you Sunday
Paul C.
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by Paul C. »

See you all Dark & Early this Sunday ,October 26, 7am at Alpha Starbucks for
Gravel Grinder # 2. "the Kinsol and Lake Ride"

cheers, pc
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by mfarnham »

What are people bringing with them? It looks like we're going to get wet, and possibly cold. Will people bring backpacks with a change of clothes, or just soldier on? Would we be wise to have a car parked in Shawnigan or Mill Bay with dry clothes for the return trip? The Mill Bay ferry isn't exactly warm and we'll be sitting in wet kit for the trip and while we wait for the ferry.

Will we have a solid GPS with us? Will we have cell reception for using smartphone GPS? Or does someone have maps and a compass? I don't mind getting lost, as long as we have a means of getting unlost.

Perhaps i'm worrying too much, but I haven't done a ride like this before...

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by tgirl33 »

I'm going to join for this crazy adventure.
You can all thank me later for keeping the speed super slow ;)

Steve and I are going to bring a saddle bag each... with extra layers of clothes, etc. You're right, Martin... the ferry trip back is going to be a cold wet one. Group snuggle?

The route is well marked... straight shot up to Kinsol Trestle and beyond on the Cowichan Valley Trail. Google maps shows the trail crossing the river twice... The full trip would include making it to the second crossing and turning around. Approx 75 kms each way.
We can turn around at any point though if we're cold and wet.
In fact there is a pub at Shawnigan Lake that is super warm and has great Nachos (Black Swan Pub - remind me to tell you the story of when Steve and his buddies got lost overnight on the back roads up there and rallied at the Swan the next day. Crazy story).

Looking forward to seeing all those willing to attempt this awesome trip!

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by mfarnham »

Actually, I just checked the weather forecast and it looks not too bad.

People should remember to bring $10 cash for the Mill Bay Ferry. They don't take plastic.

Paul C.
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by Paul C. »

Thanks for the reminders and questions.

Mill Bay ferry times are 11:35 1:50 3:00 4:10

To Answer some of Martin's questions:
( and maybe some from people that want to go, but have not committed )

Keep in mind this is an adventure ride with 2 guys that broke the law last year and could have got a $1500.fine for riding in a no go Zone. Also one of them did a ride a
while ago out to Renfrew and slept in the bush in a Hammock....he probably ate roots, seeds and possibly a cooked rabbit.

To further answer your questions. No, we are not concerned about the weather,our clothing, getting lost or even what time we get home. ( and I think Terra said it was 75 km each way ...more like 110km total,maybe. ) Put a piece of plastic in your helmet, bring a PB & J sandwich, a spare tube, and 1 bandaid.. Point your bike north and ask strangers for direction. I am not kidding.
If I was going alone I would't bring a cell phone, smart phone,GPS,bike computer or a watch.

I might tell someone I may be back before its dark.

See you at G.G # 2,

cheers pc
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by mfarnham »

Well, if someone gets cold we can always do this with Paul.
(jump to 1:00)

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by rhughes »

So all jokes aside. Do we want some extras or not? I was going to bring a backpack with as well as other things two small 2-way radios. Not sure about cell range and could come in handy if necessary.

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by stevierooks »

I'm bringing extra layers and tubes. Does anyone have a light saber?

It shouldn't be too bad.

See you in the am

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by stevierooks »

So here's how that went. It rained on us.

We had our pre ride coffee and as we saddled up to go, it started raining. 7 of us headed out and we met one more on the Goose (Tony). Tony was going to Sooke but rode with us for a while. The ride in the light-medium rain wasn't so bad out through Langford and around Langford Lake. We stopped at Timmy's @ Humpback to change gloves + socks and layer up. Then when we started to attack the Malahat, it really started pouring.

With the traffic and the rain it was hard to hear or see anything. Actually it was the passing motorists that were slowing, honking and yelling at us on the front that first alerted us to the fact that our rider on the back had wiped out. "One guy crashed into the barrier and went over!" the frantic motorist yelled to me. We turned around went back to see it was Paul. He has new rips in his spandex now with some bruises and rode rash to go with the story. I'll let him tell that story :)

Paul was still good to go and it was too cold to stay there so on we went. And on went the rain. Eventually, we collectively decided to turn around up there on the Malahat and call it a day. Not a failure - just unfortunate weather. Still got 60k done.

I miss those summer days.

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by mfarnham »

I'd like to try that ride again (though I might be tempted to just drive to the trailhead and skip the Malahat). It was a nice group and would have been a perfect ride, if only the rain had stopped 3 hours earlier.

Jack (age 12?) was a trouper. He had a smile on his face, even as we were limping back down the Goose into town--wet and cold.

My clothes had 5 lbs of water in them when I weighed myself at home. Best hot shower in a long time. Thanks for organizing, Paul and Rooks! Hope you're recovering, Paul.

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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by Fozzy »

Speedy recovery Paul!!
Paul C.
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Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by Paul C. »

Epic,Grueling,Freezing,Adventurous, Camaraderie....and Lucky.

GG #2 will be one of those memorable outings.

Note to self: Avoid Rumble Strip, Lean to the right ,if you hit it, have a nurse on the ride to check you over, get back on the bike....we rode up and down the Malahat after I visited with the concrete barrier.

I am OK. Just rode rash, a bit of soreness. May go for a short ride today...and if no storm, see you Tuesday am.

Thanks to Rooks and the crew for their support.

cheers, Paul C.
Posts: 146
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:37 am

Re: NEW ROUTE and update on Gravel Grinder # 2 October 26.

Post by stevierooks »

Hope you are not feeling too rough Paul - or do we call you Rumble-Strip Paul now? I have your new bell. I think it still works fine.

I also have your gloves Jack. Lets arrange a glove exchange soon. Good on you small Sir. That was a brave and bold attempt on the Malahat given the lousy weather. I'll ride with you again anytime.

I'll be out next Sunday. See you both there I hope
