Unsanctioned non-event definitely not a huge success

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Unsanctioned non-event definitely not a huge success

Post by FairweatherMike »

We are not at liberty to confirm or deny that a certain unsanctioned ride took place last Saturday (Summer Solstice) at Beacon Hill Park. Or that it never took place in spectacular weather, and that everyone who didn't show up never had a great time. To preserve the anonymous, unsanctioned nature of the non-event, certificates of non-achievement may or may not have not been prepared and won't be awarded by the Unknown Cyclist at Shoal Point following this coming Friday's ride.

To those who also didn't show up for the post-non-event BBQ lunch, a terrific time was definitely not had by all who lolled around in the sunshine enjoying delicacies that may or may have been provided - including Simon and Deb's incredible monster waffles with fresh fruit salad and whipped cream, the best you never had. And the Unknown Cyclists ensured that everyone not present felt suitably unrecognized for their impressive non-achievements.
Peloton in the park - delirium starting to set in
Peloton in the park - delirium starting to set in
Unknown Cyclist delivers more non-recognition for a deserving non-participant
Unknown Cyclist delivers more non-recognition for a deserving non-participant
Monster waffles.  Unknown Cyclist lurking in background making stealth presentations
Monster waffles. Unknown Cyclist lurking in background making stealth presentations
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John D
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Re: Unsanctioned non-event definitely not a huge success

Post by John D »

Totally unbelievable. Thanks for nothing to those who didn't organize anything. Not like there was anything toorganize. :wink:

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Re: Unsanctioned non-event definitely not a huge success

Post by Rolf »

Reading this was definitely not better than not attending.