Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 21

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Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 21

Post by spearson »

Let's keep this like Fight Club. 1st rule of fight club? Second?

This could not possibly ever get nods, sanctions, sponsors, or anything but a shaking of the head from anyone in charge so it's just a bunch of people who happened to turn up at the same place to ride around in circles.

Also I would encourage people to come out for less than the full distance. 50 laps is half as crazy as 100. Just get there early enough that you drop out before the park gets busy.

A few "suggestions".....

1 - Yield to traffic (esp. when exiting the park)
2 - Yield to other cyclists
3 - Yield to pedestrians and wildlife (esp. by the petting zoo)
4 - Yield to the idea that this will not be a fast 100mi, reduce speed to keep everyone safe.
5 - Yield to the possibility that we may not be able to finish

Come Prepared
1 - Bring lots of bottles
2 - Bring a second jersey (at 80mi you'll thank me)
3 - Bring fuel
4 - Bring lights, we're starting in the dark
5 - Bring a spare set of wheels, or at least some tubes.

Select a reasonable start time. The park starts to get busy after 10:30am and the pace will fall. That said, you are welcome to stay out there for as long as it takes.

30km/h = 5:20 (4am - 9:20)
28km/h = 5:45 (4am - 9:45)
26km/h = 6:10 (4am - 10:10)
24km/h = 6:40 (3am - 9:40)
22km/h = 7:20 (3am - 10:20)
20km/h = 8:00 (2am - 10:00)

The Garmin is law, when it says 100 miles you're done.....almost. Congratulations, you're finished. Now unless you're the lantern rouge (in which case you're totally hardcore and shall be placed on a pedestal for all those who slept in all morning to wonder at) then get back out there and ride with someone still trying to finish. This is not a suggestion, this is a requirement. If you are no longer physically able to pedal, then you had better be filling bottles. If everyone does this for one other rider, then no one finishes alone.


There are plans for food, drink, congratulations and merriment after the ride. Stay tuned - more details to come.
Last edited by spearson on Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
barton bourassa
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Re: Second Inaugural Stupid Summer Solsice 100 miler

Post by barton bourassa »

Last year most of us started at 4:30 AM Is that the case again this year?
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Re: Second Inaugural Stupid Summer Solsice 100 miler

Post by spearson »

Sat june 21. Aim for 4:30 for the big group rollout. There is no problem in starting early; wonder if anyone will take a stab at Dave's record.
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Re: Second Inaugural Stupid Summer Solsice 100 miler

Post by Albee »

Couple things.... it is a "SILLY", not stupid Summer Solstice Century - doesn't it indicate our Joi de vive, "devil may care" :twisted: sense of adventure?
I'm also hoping this is also a "social" ride all the way to the end...last year, when the rubbery legs had already set in, there was a sprint/hard pace in the last few miles. It tore the paceline asunder :oops: and left a lot of the rolling wounded to straggle in if they didn't have a wheel to hang onto. Looking forward to the comraderie and 'silliness' like Simon's socks and the merriment they represent.
Alan Boden
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Re: Second Inaugural Stupid Summer Solsice 100 miler

Post by spearson »

This should help with the camaraderie - a BBQ to replenish lost stores and a place to rest tired rubbery legs.

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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by roadflasj »

Edit: rescheduled work thankfully. See you guys at 430.
Kenji Jackson
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by stevierooks »

I didnt get a hundred miles but I did have an enjoyable morning.
barton bourassa
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by barton bourassa »

That was a lot of fun! thanks for putting this together Deb & Simon.
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by Alan »

It was an awesome ride. In fact, much awesomer than last year partly because there were more people out and hence one didn't have to draft as often. We kept a very honourable and steady pace of about 32 km per hour which was pretty forgiving, given our numbers. I remember the incredible pain from last year-- I could barely sit down after five hours in the saddle, but this year, thanks to the fact I forced my self to stand up at least once on every lap (on the 'big' hill, west side of the park that feels like the Himalayas after about 80 laps) and my lovely and forgiving Brooks saddle, all was smiley in the buttock department. Special kudos have to go out again to Simon and Deb for their overall enthusiasm and cheering, to Mike and Dorothy who hosted the post-ride brunch, and to the peacocks who cheered us on every lap with their 'in-heat' screeching. :roll:

Next year it'd be nice to see more people out, especially those with particular ethnic or national peccadilloes (like Rolf, :lol: whose presence reminds me that slagging the Swiss makes 100 laps pass very quickly). It's also much comic relief to make fun of the English (thanks Mark, and the Uruguayans), people who have no 'off' switch on their mouths (thanks Paul C.) and those absent (like an un-named plumber who didn't show) and others we like to talk about and dissect their personalities (um, like Peter L.) because of the fact they didn't show up.

I think Martin and I might have gotten "Hard Men of Solstice Award" for finishing 100 laps without any bathroom break or stop of any kind! This is what things look when you finish such a ride:
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by mfarnham »

From Alan: "I think Martin and I might have gotten "Hard Men of Solstice Award" for finishing 100 laps without any bathroom break or stop of any kind!"

For the record, Alan abbreviated the title of the award. The full official title is:

"Hard Men of Solstice But Not So Much if They Keep Spending That Much Time In The Saddle Award."

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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by Robgrant »

Thanks all for making this ride happen this year. The great group of people made the ride enjoyable, though next time I will follow Alan's recommendation of standing during the climb. I suspect my KOM is the result of having a faster GPS, not necessarily a faster ride. Either that or everyone else but Martin and I stopped
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by JohnT »

Based upon those last three posts, I don't think I'll be ridding this hard event when it comes up again.

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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by katew »

What goes around, comes around.
barton bourassa
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Re: Second Inaugural Silly Summer Solsice 100 miler - June 2

Post by barton bourassa »

And around and around and around and around......................

Looking forward to Beacon Hill sprints tomorrow!
Barton Bourassa