B1 (Really just a More Modest A) ride - May 27th

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B1 (Really just a More Modest A) ride - May 27th

Post by mlawless »

So, 15 B riders left Pareto for the B1 ride and over the next 70-80 minutes did a great job of working hard, but together. I had our average speed (from my Garmin) pegged at 36.1 - including time lost slowing down after the sprints, King George, etc.

Great Work everyone!

I particularly enjoyed the pace line after we left the Box. I think it keeps us working hard and helps us develop our bike awareness.

The one comment I have is that we do need to remain aware of those few points in the ride where it gets just that little bit harder. (For example, when we are going up the small rise at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel.) I think we need to be just a bit more aware of our pace going up (and likely need to slow the paceline down just a touch).

I think it is better for us to slow briefly going up that rise and keep the paceline flowing smoothly, than for us to go too hard up the hill, pop the rear of the paceline, scatter across the road, and then have to slow and re-group before getting back up to speed in the paceline.

I also thought we did a very good job of communicating during the paceline - especially as we were falling back on the inside - being told "last wheel" or to "Go" by another rider really helps us keep the group moving smoothly.

So that is a long winded way of saying "Thanks for another Great Ride!"

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Lister Farrar
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Re: B1 (Really just a More Modest A) ride - May 27th

Post by Lister Farrar »

Agree, especially on the pace line. Much narrower and roomier for passing cars than four abreast when we peel off. Kinda of a downer on conversations , but then again, a good incentive to go to coffee.
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Re: B1 (Really just a More Modest A) ride - May 27th

Post by ghomer »

On the A side of things, Jay just crushed it. What a stud.
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Re: B1 (Really just a More Modest A) ride - May 27th

Post by trevor »

Fun morning ride. It's been a while since I did the Tuesday ride and it's as good as I remember.
And let's not sell ourselves short Geoff. Jay wasn't alone out there!
Apologies to Dylan et al. I was trying to bridge us up to Jay and Geoff but when I saw gaps opening up after pulling off the front a few times I put it down.
Good times!