Tuesday & Friday C Rides

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barton bourassa
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Tuesday & Friday C Rides

Post by barton bourassa »

Just want to let folks know, where 2 or more of us are gathered, there will be a C ride for anyone that wants one. C pace has been pretty steady at 26 maybe 27 Km/Hr. So, if you are so inclined, come on out. Reminder! No one gets left behind, no matter what! Weather is getting better. A bit more daylight in the morning. It can only get better from here!

For the Thursday ride, if there are 3 or 4 of us C types, a good speed work out would be great! You don't have to be silly fast for the Thursday ride. It is for everyone. You just need to have a few of you with similar abilities.

Barton Bourassa
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Re: Tuesday & Friday C Rides

Post by myboys »

I'm in! I've actually gotten up to go as recently as Friday but the icy conditions sent me back to the comfort of my warm bed...but enough excuses with the weather warming up-ish!
k kendal
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Re: Tuesday & Friday C Rides

Post by k kendal »

Barton I plan on showing up for the Thursday AM ride soon weather permitting. C-level