Thursday ride anyone?

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John D
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Thursday ride anyone?

Post by John D »

Can't ride Friday, thinking of doing a Thursday ride instead. Assuming the roads and dewpoint are agreeable (I'll post a yes/no by 5:30am, regardless), I plan to leave the Fairfield Bucky's at 6:00am and follow the usual Sunday route out to Mattick's and back.

Speed will be my usual steady B/C pace :wink:

Any takers?
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by mfarnham »

I'm in! Roads were fine this morning on the hills ride.

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John D
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by John D »

Roads look OK. See you at 6:00.
"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by JohnT »

Thanks for setting that up John.

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Stéphane Tran
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by Stéphane Tran »

Let me know if you decide to do this again.
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by Alan »

I agree. If I'd have known in time about a Thursday ride, I definitely would have joined you.
Instead, I put on my running shoes and pretended to jog around Beacon Hill park, :oops: while I hoped no one I know saw me. The club is getting big enough almost for a scheduled ride every day. I am not sure what is stopping us from having a regularly scheduled Thursday ride but maybe we want to institute one. Since I'm now on the board of Tripleshot I have way more power in instituting changes (actually I have no idea how much power I have but I am sure I'll find out real soon). But if people are supportive of a regularly scheduled Thursday ride or any other ideas about ride schedules and so on, let me know, and I'll float them at the next board meeting. :idea:
barton bourassa
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by barton bourassa »

I really hope you weren't doing anything silly like running while wearing tripleshot kit! Now wearing TS kit while running I am told is almost as bad as getting caught doing any number of other silly or illegal things in TS kit!

There has been a lot of chatter about a regularly scheduled and posted Thursday ride. Do folks want it to be just a ride or do people want something more specific for training? Like maybe speed in the form of self paced intervals at the University circle or Beacon Hill? A progression as the weeks pass? We have long rides, tempo rides, hills, a bit of speed on Tuesdays. Maybe a more structured interval workout? Maybe get some ideas from Lister and Peter L?
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by MDAWSON »

I think a Thursday ride is a great idea, and I support asking Peter and Lister for their input. Personally, I like the idea of doing something in the UVIC circle. But maybe that's too similar to Tuesday? Regardless, the more rides the better!
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by mfarnham »

Thursdays are good for me. I'd support the idea of something different than the rides on other days. I think interval practice (TTT?) could be good, but am open to suggestions!
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Re: Thursday ride anyone? - December 19th

Post by mlawless »

So, is anyone interested in a Thursday ride on December 19th? Sunday Route to Mattick's Farm and return? I might not be at the start but would be keen to join up on the way.

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Stéphane Tran
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Re: Thursday ride anyone?

Post by Stéphane Tran »

OK, Fairfield Starbucks at 6am? Don't make me go alone.