Pelvis Update

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Posts: 238
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:12 am
Location: Victoria

Pelvis Update

Post by bill »

Just to let you know that the road to recovery is getting shorter. Met with the Surgeon on Thursday and all is looking good. Actually he was quite proud of his work.

I am allowed to put 30% of my body weight on my right leg for the next two weeks then up to 50% the following two weeks and then no crutches in 6 weeks. Still a fair bit of physio ahead to get the range of motion back, but very happy with the prognosis.

See you all tomorrow at the race.
Chris Watt
Posts: 179
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:56 am

Post by Chris Watt »

Hey Bill- that's great news. I'm 4 weeks into a couple of bust ribs- race ya to get back!

Posts: 238
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:12 am
Location: Victoria

Post by bill »

Chris now how did you do that?

I did get on the bike today and put my leg through a lengthy three minute workout.

The race is on!