Ride to Conquer Cancer

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Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:44 am

Ride to Conquer Cancer

Post by IanWhit »

I know there's a lot of worthy causes that compete for our time and dollars but I thought I'd share a bit of my story and why I'm doing the RTCC next year.

As you may or may not know, life threw my family a curve-ball earlier this year when my wife, Nicole, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Since then, she has endured (like a boss) several rounds of chemotherapy and I'm happy to announce that as of August, she is cancer free! We are very fortunate to have had a great support system, great care-givers and thanks to decades of research advancement, an effective treatment protocol.

Unfortunately, not everyone has had the same positive results and people continue to get sick and die from this and other cancers. Progress is being made but there is much work to be done. I want to do my small part so that we see more 'survivor' stories out there.

The proceeds from this event will go to support all cancer patients. In particular, I'm riding to show my love and support for my sweet wife, those in my family who have lost their battle with this disease, and those of my family who are still in the fight.

If you are so inclined, you can click the following link to support me: http://www.conquercancer.ca/site/TR/Eve ... fr_id=1514

Alternatively, you could register and ride with me!
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:04 am

Re: Ride to Conquer Cancer

Post by SteveW »

I have ridden 2 years in a row and it's truly a great ride. You get to meet a lot of people but nothing is as epic as riding along people that have conquered cancer.

Good luck to you! I'm registered for next year as well but haven't really committed yet as the fundraising is difficult when it's always the same group of people donating.

Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:44 am

Re: Ride to Conquer Cancer

Post by IanWhit »

SteveW wrote:I have ridden 2 years in a row and it's truly a great ride. You get to meet a lot of people but nothing is as epic as riding along people that have conquered cancer.

Good luck to you! I'm registered for next year as well but haven't really committed yet as the fundraising is difficult when it's always the same group of people donating.


Thanks Steve, I'm really looking forward to the ride. Hopefully I'll be able to make it an annual event as well!

Best of luck with your fundraising efforts.