Not a Friday rant

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Not a Friday rant

Post by Alan »

I was going to launch into a Friday rant about how a number of 'type A' personalities like to show up for the B1 ride, forget it's a no-drop ride, then crack the group apart at the top of Ash, also forgetting that the words 'Steady up" actually carry some meaning in group cycling and then fail to show up for coffee for their well-deserved dressing down being the cowardly, narcissistic, lot they are...

So instead of a rant, I thought it better to say nothing, and wish those types a very nice day while silently hoping they get to spend the last few moments of their life on earth like the guy in this video, terrified as hell, just before his life ends passing through the digestive system of a raptor.... ... 1210483692
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by Rolf »

Somehow, your avatar has never seemed more apt.

Some folks are pretty confused between "A-" and "B1". Pre-ride communication could address that handily.

But not showing up for coffee? That's just rude.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by sylvan »

Rolf wrote:But not showing up for coffee? That's just rude.
It's a disgrace.

OK, I'm going to spend a week getting in shape, then start riding B1 like it's an A- ride. Eventually that's what we'll have: A, A-, B and C, and no bellyaching. But only for September and then it'll all change again. Then the late season piss and vinegar will be spent and things will mellow out.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by katew »

I've spent the whole damned summer trying to get into shape, and all it's gotten me is riding B2 like it's C.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by John D »

katew wrote:I've spent the whole damned summer trying to get into shape, and all it's gotten me is riding B2 like it's C.
C'mon Kate - don't you know that C is the new B? :wink:

Seriously though, although I wasn't in the group that Alan is referring to from this morning (but did witness the effect he's referring to) it's worth reminding people that the intent of the B-group rides is to stay together - not to split the group by charging away off the front. If that's what people are after they should put on their big-boy bibs and try their luck with the A-group.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by mfarnham »

Ditto Alan's rant. Maybe we could hire that velociraptor to wait behind a tree at the top of Ash and jump out at anyone who responds to "steady up!" by attacking.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by stevekeeler »

Not sure how 4 riders off the front, chasing one, leaving a solid B1 group has ruined your day and created such nasty passive aggressive comments. Cowardly, narcissistic, death wishes, really Alan. Bit histrionic. It was a large group of 16 plus, what's the harm in splitting up. Every morning I hear groups of 10-12 only when leaving the lot. Glad to have missed the bravado at coffee, thankfully an early am job, but really just to scared to show up.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by mfarnham »

Hey Steve,

My reading of Alan's "rant" was that it was tongue in cheek. No doubt a gentle chiding intended, but mostly meant to be fun.

Anyway, I have two arguments for not attacking on a B1 ride (esp at the top of Ash). One is that people have an expectation that it's a no drop ride. If the hares bolt, the hounds will chase (given the competitive nature of B1 riders), and then some sucker like me--who dragged himself out of bed at 5 for a group ride--waits back for the straggler on the hill and finds themselves on a ride for 2, with one person gutted. Not much fun.

The second argument is that what could be a smooth fast ride tends to lose its machine-like coordination when there's an early attack. People get tired early, people wait for stragglers, etc. That's great race practice, but if people are just out for a smooth fast ride they don't get it when the group doesn't work as a group.

I'm totally open to making B1 a drop ride (I find the race tactics fun). In the meantime, probably best to act on people's expectations that it's no-drop. And I'd agree with the comment above that if someone really wants to break with the norm, communicate to the group so everyone knows what's going on and can plan ahead.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by DavidB »

stevekeeler wrote:Not sure how 4 riders off the front, chasing one, leaving a solid B1 group has ruined your day and created such nasty passive aggressive comments. Cowardly, narcissistic, death wishes, really Alan. Bit histrionic. It was a large group of 16 plus, what's the harm in splitting up. Every morning I hear groups of 10-12 only when leaving the lot. Glad to have missed the bravado at coffee, thankfully an early am job, but really just to scared to show up.

I think you're taking it way too seriously. Alan in one of the most relentlessly sarcastic folks here. I don't think there's an issue with splitting up if everyone's on board with that choice, but when folks go pounding over the top of the hill and split the group that way, beacuse the B rides are explicitly no drop, so when people get dropped, it can be a problem.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by JohnT »

My observation was that four people going off the front didn't ruin the B ride on Friday. The problem is that it can (as Martin has described). Long pulls, a Beacon Hill break away (say on lap 1), and (especially) the A ride are all great opportunities to hammer. Go with the A's and see how long you can hang on. There's a thrill to still being there at the end and until that time comes, the B group is more than happy to collect you along the route. And, 'you' here means anyone wanting to hammer, not just those singled out yesterday.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by Marcus »

Steve Keeler:
Not sure how 4 riders off the front, chasing one, leaving a solid B1 group has ruined your day
+1 from an owner of 3 black jerseys although I took Alan's no rant rant as a bit of black humour. Like many others, sometimes I ride B1 and sometimes I ride B2. It depends on how I feel on the day. If I see the likes of John Taylor, Rob Hasagawa and Steve Lund join the B1 group and I still feel like I'm feeling good, I'll go B1 anyway knowing that there is definite risk that at some point I may be dropped which doesn't cause me to be annoyed in any way with the stronger riders because it still feels good in a strange way to fail trying, I don't want to hold them up from having a great ride and I know that the B2 (who averaged 35.2 km/h two Fridays ago) will be coming along in a couple of minutes after I've had a bit of a rest. It seems to me that a little bit of self-selection at the start, rather than being in a rush to join B1, will go a long way in determining whether everyone has a good ride or not.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by katew »

stevekeeler wrote:Not sure how 4 riders off the front, chasing one, leaving a solid B1 group has ruined your day and created such nasty passive aggressive comments. Cowardly, narcissistic, death wishes, really Alan. Bit histrionic. It was a large group of 16 plus, what's the harm in splitting up. Every morning I hear groups of 10-12 only when leaving the lot. Glad to have missed the bravado at coffee, thankfully an early am job, but really just to scared to show up.
Mr. Keeler, I don't think we've met and doubt we will any time soon, as I know better than to try to ride B1. But your tone is, in my opinion, not cricket and I'd like you to consider your words better before you wade like this into what could have been a relatively lighthearted but important conversation about the evolving needs of this club and its ride offerings.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by John D »


Well said, Kate.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by DavidB »

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by Brently_G »

It depends on how I feel on the day. If I see the likes of John Taylor, Rob Hasagawa and Steve Lund join the B1 group and I still feel like I'm feeling good, I'll go B1 anyway knowing that there is definite risk that at some point I may be dropped which doesn't cause me to be annoyed in any way with the stronger riders because it still feels good in a strange way to fail trying, I don't want to hold them up from having a great ride and I know that the B2 (who averaged 35.2 km/h two Fridays ago) will be coming along in a couple of minutes after I've had a bit of a rest. It seems to me that a little bit of self-selection at the start, rather than being in a rush to join B1, will go a long way in determining whether everyone has a good ride or not.

I think this is the most poignant comment made thus far!

"feels good to fail trying!"

Making it to Beacon Hill with the A's on a friday is one of the biggest cycling milestones I've had.
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by The Princess »

This is crazy. I was in the B1 group on Friday and there's no doubt that the fast four was pushing the pace. But that's ok with me because I'm never going to get faster if I'm not being pushed. If I don't want to be pushed that hard, I'll ride B2, like Marcus said. That's the great thing about having 2 B rides. And as for the 4 going hard over Ash and carrying on, who cares??? They were killing most of us anyway and I know more than a few were thankful they were gone because we could slow down a bit. And we were still left with a great group of 9 of us who went on to have a terrific ride together. So what's the harm in all of this? I think maybe we should change the name from B1 to A2 and have it a drop ride. That way you know what you're getting. I know I could try to ride A if I really want to push myself, but quite frankly I'm not strong enough. I end up making it 10K with them and then I get to ride the other 30K on my own - not much fun. With an A2 ride, I might get dropped but more than likely there would be a few others around my pace to ride with. I don't understand why there is a progression for the Cs (they can move up to the Bs once they are a little stronger and not get dropped) but there is no proper progression for the Bs to jump to the A ride. How will I ever get to ride with the As if there is no group to help get me and others there?? I know, I know, get out and train more!
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by Rolf »

Happy to report today's B1 Friday was respectful and stuck together. Stronger riders responded well to "Steady up!" and I saw people riding intelligently and encouraging others to fill gaps in front of them when they started slipping. Despite a consistently fast pace, it was a cohesive ride and I think we all benefited from riding first as a no-drop group and second as A wanna-B's. :P

The pace-lining through the Uplands and along the waterfront took me by surprise. Once past the Shelbourne lights we averaged 35.2 to Beacon Hill and from Caddy Bay to KGT we did 37.4 km/h. We lost a few along the way (including me at BHP!) but I think the partings were generally consensual.

I, for one, hope the option of a fast—but no-drop—ride continues into the winter.

p.s. I think our group's coffee turnout was around 20%. Clearly, more dedication is required in that department!
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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by mfarnham »

Ditto Rolf. That was a good ride this morning, B1ers. Some moments of beauty on the rolling paceline. Good work getting us rolling, Rob.

Apologies in advance, but I teach Tues, Wed, Fri this term at 8:30, so no more weekday coffees for me until reading break in November.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by Andrew L »

Agreed- I haven't done a full friday ride in a while and that was one of my most fun rides this summer.

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Re: Not a Friday rant

Post by David Hill »

I barely hung on to Beacon Hill this morning after reluctantly choosing to ride B1, knowing that Dr's Keeler and Hasegawa were on hand to push hard and keep us moving. Good steady up a the top of Ash allowed a couple of stragglers (if Eric Simonson could EVER be considered a straggler) to roll on and we kept moving.

The beauty of the B1 is that you have the option of dropping back and waiting for B2 to scoop you up and then blow you up again at BH if you're spent, while at the same time pushing yourself to ride at 35+ kph in a friendly but hard-pushing group.

I KNOW Alan's "rant" was intended as a piece of humour, and that "Type A" meant "strong riders who are actually way better than many of us in B", but we appreciate that. If I didn't get the opportunity to ride with stronger and faster riders over the past 8 years, I would be getting dropped at Beacon Hill every week.... oh, well, I still am, but still!

Thanks today to Steve K for holding me in the pack before KGT, and to Rolf for agreeing to do "just one more" lap with me so I didn't have to be a complete loner.

Apologies (if necessary) to some of the A riders who were coming up behind Rolf and me as we cooled down; I thought I'd pulled over behind Rolf in plenty of time to keep you safe (didn't hear you coming, but we did look back); apparently some felt my riding was too sketchy, and having been a ranter about that in the past, my apologies (that's 2 strikes this week against me).

Finally, kudos for Alan putting his money where is raccoon-mouth is, and heading out with the A's today... we never picked him up, so he either stuck in there, or headed home on his own. Either way, good follow-up to the rant.

PS: I still remember how to drink coffee, and will make more efforts to get out with the gang; unfortunately family timing makes it a challenge at the moment.