More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

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barton bourassa
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More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by barton bourassa »

If you think Friday sounds like fun, you'll love this one! The full and official de Vic route starting from the Discovery coffee shop on Menzies and Michigan at 7 AM. If we get enough riders out I'd like to attempt the same thing we tried fairly successfully last Saturday, long steady pulls. We did 10 minute pulls on the front, steady, staying together even up the hills so no one is dropped off the back or has to put a foot down at the top but we just keep rolling, keep the tempo, keep the heart rate going, with a couple exceptions.

On a hill like Lindholm it would be nice to roll right thru up and over and if you are on the front, don't pedal at all down hill all the way to Happy Valley or until we are all together again. If you are on the back, pedal!!! We will form up as a group again at or before Happy Valley and stay as a group until Burnside & Munn.

At Burnside and Munn, I would suggest we just go at our own pace and form up as a group again at Durrance and Willis. I would also recommend that those that get to Durrance and Willis first they turn right around and pick up the last rider and ride to D & W at that rider's pace, bringing everyone together at D & W so we can all roll right on thru down Willis without anyone having to put a foot down at all.

On "race" day, most of us will stop once maybe twice in the ride to refuel. I'd like to try to simulate that on Saturday with one stop at Wallace & W Saanich. There is a coffee shop on one corner for espresso and a grocery store on the other for drink and food. This stop should be quick and efficient. Think "race day" rather than "touring day"!!

Too much verbage? Well, let's just ride and see how it goes!

And one other thing, if that is not enough riding for one day, I plan on a further 20 K for a nice round 160. Why not eh?!

Barton Bourassa
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by Fozzy »

Hi Barton

Sounds good to me. As long as the pace isn't too crazy, you can count me in.


Dave L
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by Dave L »

Hi Barton,

See you at 0700.

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John D
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by John D »

Will do my best to join in. I'll even offer to ride sweep on the hills. :wink:

"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by stevierooks »

I would love to get in on this one but I don't get off work until 7am.

Any chance you all could make it a 7:30 start so that I can get over there? I should be able to make it there by 7:20 for sure.

If not, I'll pick the group up in Langford by going backwards. Either way, I'm coming out Saturday!!

Andrew L
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by Andrew L »

I'll be there.
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by rhughes »

I'll be there.

I hope your extra 20K is after we get to the finish.

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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by Marcus »

I'll be there.

I hope your extra 20K is after we get to the finish.


Or maybe it will be Durrance repeats while you wait for me to come out of the Highlands.

barton bourassa
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by barton bourassa »

I don't think we'll be waiting for you much Marcus! And the additional 20 is after we see Bellevile and Government again! Probably back out along the waterfront with a couple trips around Beacon.
Barton Bourassa
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John D
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by John D »

I'm in for the first 70kms or so - I will turn right on West Saanich after the Highlands to get home for 10:00am-ish.

"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by BRob »

I'll be there too.
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by stevierooks »

Hey gang. Dont wait for me at the coffee shop like I requested (not that the group was going to wait :) ) I will make a straight shot down Bay St from the hospital and try to catch the group at Craigflower Rd. Go ahead and take your time getting going though as I could use the extra few minutes.

See you all on the Tour!!

barton bourassa
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Post by barton bourassa »

Very Cool! 17 of us left coffee shop. A bit of a scare though as I saw Rob H, Chris F and Steve (Keeler?) pull up right as we are ready to leave! A few words of "encouragement" to all and off we went! We did keep everyone together until the climb out of the Lagoon. We rolled away from the top just as the last riders arrived. I was reminded that a few more seconds for them to catch there breath would have been nice. Point heard!

Charging up Lindholm was fun and down even more so. A number of folks charged the top and then took it easy going down to Happy Valley where we formed as a group again staying together to Prospect and Burnside. Mark and John left us there while the rest of us settled in for the ride to Munn. Things were quite civilized for the most part up Munn but at one point I saw my heart rate drop below 150 and charged ahead only to be reeled in by Rob H as I am just giving it all I have and he waltzes by with nary a pant! It was the quickest I have ever ridden that stretch from Prospect to the top of Munn, less than 19 minutes but also the highest average HR!

We joined up again at Durrance and Willis and practically flew down to Wallace where most of the group went south and eight of us went north. By the time we stopped at Wallace and W Saanich for liquid and nutrition the rain was falling heavily. At this point, three more decided to head back leaving Ritchie, Andrew, David L, Neil and I to carry on in the rain by ourselves. I sure am glad I brought fenders. Too bad no one else did!!

It only rained for about another 5 maybe 10 minutes more. The roads weren't exactly dry but at least I was only getting wet, and very dirty, from the wheel in front of me! Andrew had some nasty mechanical issues and had to cut it short. The rest of us soldiered on to Belleville and Government for the finish of a long morning in the saddle.

Heading off in the rain with just a few of us and still 70 K to go was tough mentally and physically. We had no idea what we were in for from Mother Nature but we knew there were lots of hills and many k to go. We set it up so that each of us pulled for 5 minutes. This seemed to work ok. I gotta say, this was probably one of the toughest rides I have had in a while. Makes me appreciate the rides in better weather!

I am really looking forward to tomorrow's ride! Should be challenging!

Thank you everyone that came out. Thank you to the speedy guys and girls who helped make sure we all stayed together.


Barton Bourassa
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Re: More Tour de Vic prep Saturday Sept 7.

Post by Fozzy »

I would just like to say a big thanks for their patience and support to all who rode out on the Saturday TDV prep ride. WOW those hills are tough!! There were a few times when I was seriously thinking about bailing, but I am really pleased that I went the distance.

Thanks again
