Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

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barton bourassa
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Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by barton bourassa »

In preparation for the good times ride on Sunday, I'll be leaving my favourite coffe shop, Discovery on Menzies at 7 AM. the plan is to ride long and sort of flat for 120K or more, 4 to 5 hours. If there are enough of us, I'd like to try something a little different. Long but steady pulls. Each pair is on the front pulling for a timed 10 minutes. Nothing fast and crazy, just long and steady. I hear the first couple hours seem relatively pedestrian but each pull gets progressively harder physically and mentally as the ride goes on. Lots of brain training!

Up to the ferry terminal and Landsend and around the airport a couple times then home along Wallace.

If this is your idea on a fun way to spend a Saturday morning, See You There!
Barton Bourassa
barton bourassa
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Re: Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by barton bourassa »

A little more about what I am thinking for Saturday.

I am thinking we might average 28 when it is said and done. I am looking at the Peninsula and probably a couple times around the airport so one could head off to Wallace rather than looping around the airport if pressed for time. I am thinking in my mind of steady pace, even up the hills, but for 4 or 5 hours, well, closer to 5. Just getting the body and mind ok with being in the saddle for that long.

Whoever comes out I'd like to make sure we stay together, no regrouping along the way. Even down Cordova Bay, steady, consistent pace, no racing. Different story down Interban to Wilkinson of course! Maybe one stop at the gas station on West Saanich to empty and refuel but that is it.

Just long and steady, feel the pain in the last hour! I have heard the long 10 minute pulls (some folks go longer) are quite taxing on the brain and the body after a while. If you decide to come along, just a reminder to bring good nutrition and liquid with salts and minerals. It should be warm before we finish up.
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by katew »

Pencil me in.
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John D
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Re: Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by John D »

Michaella and me, too.
"Talk - Action = Zero" - Joe Keithley
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Re: Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by IanWhit »

Sounds like fun - i'm in.
barton bourassa
Posts: 1141
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Re: Saturday Aug 31, Continued Prep for the Ryder Ride

Post by barton bourassa »

Great ride this morning folks. 14 of us with 13 finishing. Those long pulls were interesting! by 8 or 9 minutes it was "When is it going to end?" We managed to average close to 29 K/Hr. Louise and I did another 20 for a nice round 140 in 4:40.

So looking forward to tomorrow!

Thanks everyone!
Barton Bourassa