Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

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barton bourassa
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by barton bourassa »

Paid. Thanks!!

I am thinking of doing something a little more sensible than what Anika proposes (her 160 K loop after HCR). I am probably going to have a bit of lunch then do it again. Hurricane Ridge that is; back up then down, then home. See, I told it was a "little" bit more sensible than a 160 K ride with Anika!!
Last edited by barton bourassa on Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Barton Bourassa
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Stéphane Tran
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Stéphane Tran »

Paid. Thanks! Looking forward to it!

Don't forget that on Monday July 1st is the traditional Canada Day Hurricane Ridge ride too.
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Andrew »

See new thread for JULY 1 hurricane trip
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Greg Miller
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Greg Miller »

Paid. Great idea!
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by myboys »

I'm in. Done. Paid for. Signed up. Giddyup.

Mary G
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Stéphane Tran
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Stéphane Tran »

Hi everyone,

I am considering doing the following loop after Hurricane Ridge: It may not be quite as epic as what Anika proposed but it should be a sweet ride: about 100k with a great profile (up/flat/down) and probably some great scenery. Anyone interested?
olympic loop jpg.jpg
Paul C.
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Paul C. »

I may be interested...looks like a good alternative to the "Anika 160km" I would want to ride it vs, race it and easily get back about 4:30 for the 5:30 ferry...lets see who else is interested. I also discussed riding to Squim with Andrea which I believe is about 70km return....

WE NEED A MEETING PLACE-RESTAURANT-BAR-COFFEE SHOP in Pt Angeles as a Tripleshot rendezvous spot. Any suggestions?
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by katew »

The last bar I was in in Port Angeles, I got thrown out of.

You may, for the price of a beer, get the rest of that story.
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Greg Miller
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Greg Miller »

I'm out. Sidelined with pneumonia. Anyone want to buy a ticket?
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by wonger »

Greg Miller wrote:I'm out. Sidelined with pneumonia. Anyone want to buy a ticket?
Greg - I might be able to help you out with that. I need a ticket for Mandy. I'll let you know once I've sorted out the schedule.
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John D
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by John D »

Greg Miller wrote:I'm out. Sidelined with pneumonia. Anyone want to buy a ticket?
Sorry to hear that Greg - get well soon! Say, wanna join me in driving the support vehicle? I'm looking for a wing-man! :wink:

Seriously, though - I am looking for someone to help me out in the support vehicle.

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Greg Miller
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Greg Miller »

Jim, I will co-pilot for sure!
barton bourassa
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by barton bourassa »

One week to take off. Sign up closes Friday at 12! We have a support vehicle to see us through this epic event! I'll buy return ferry tickets on Saturday and hand them out to all those registered at 5:30 Sunday AM. Return time is at your discretion. I will be contacting the park people about prepaying on Friday PM. Hopefully, all you will have to do if you are registered and paid up is say "Tripleshot" and ride on thru. I'll let everyone know the process in advance.

Return time is at your discretion. Some are staying to ride more (see previous posts for all of the different options).

So, who should we sacrifice to the weather gods? Youngest rider? Oldest? Or maybe the fastest!! Lets hope for dry skies and warm temperatures.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Barton Bourassa
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by FairweatherMike »

Stephane, I like your 100k loop as a Hurricane Ridge climber's dessert. Count me in for that. (Plus the total distance adds up to a legitimate Imperial Century, which is a good day's outing.) Agree that we need a rendezvous point - not easy to find a quality place open for brunch/lunch on a Sunday in PA, but this outfit rates 95% on UrbanSpoon: ... rt-Angeles. It's a quick left on 8th street as you come down South Race St at the end of your descent.

What do people think of this spot as a meetup (and refueling point) for the post-climb loop?
Mike Skinner
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Marcus »

I am not sure I am going on Sunday but I wouldn't recommend riding alongside Lake Crescent. The road is narrow and twisting with no shoulders and lots of recreational vehicles and the like but there is room for motor vehicles to get by if drivers are careful. There are highway signs posted at the east end of the lake advising cyclists not to use hwy 101 and to use the Juan de Fuca highway to the north as an alternative (i.e. the portion of the loop that Anika proposes to use on her return to Port Angeles). Anika could probably travel the Lake Crescent portion more safely as she will likely be going as fast as a lot of the cars but doubling back on that portion of loop as Stefan proposes increases the chance of a mishap.
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Stéphane Tran
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Stéphane Tran »

Thanks Marcus, that's very good to know. I guess I will have to find another route. I would still like to do a good 80 - 100k ride after the Ridge though. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
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David Hill
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by David Hill »

Looks like 3 of us will be in.

By the way, the weather looks like it will be great - sunny at 66 F ... g2K9nFrbmI
barton bourassa
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by barton bourassa »

I have a bit of a problem. Hugh is the only one that can access the list of those paid for the Hurricane ride. This is the list as of July 28:

Dylan Reeves $25.00
Michael Skinner $25.00
Greg Miller $25.00
Paul Christopher $25.00
Barton Bourassa $25.00
Blair Robertson $25.00
Stephane Tran $25.00
Geoffrey Wong $25.00
Shawn McKean $25.00
Simon Pearson $25.00
Andrea Robson $25.00
Hugh Hart $25.00
Michelle Dann $25.

If you have paid on line, please pass on your name to me.


Barton Bourassa
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by Marcus »

Barton, I just paid now through the TS store.

Stefan: If you want to extend your ride you could just travel west towards Neah Bay on the Juan de Fuca road north of Lake Crescent, which is the way cyclists travelling down the coast go to avoid the south shore of the Lake, and then double back when you have gone far enough. In other words, just change the "tail" on your map to the north side of the loop.
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Re: Tripleshot takes Hurricane Ridge

Post by stevierooks »

I am in and paid as well. Last hour but I made it!

Looking forward to a great trip across the water and up the hill with my friends.
