TTT - Thanks to our AWESOME volunteers

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TTT - Thanks to our AWESOME volunteers

Post by Plawless »

Sorry to all the volunteers as I did a crap job of praising you at today's event. Today would not have been possible without the willing and able assistance of a ton of folks:

Helen Martindale - for keeping time

Kim & Tracy Ward - super registration and start/finish - and the books balanced!!!

Michelle C at the intersection (with the very cute Erin Lawless!)

Barton B - kicin but at the turn around

Galen for not only doing our Poster but donating a great painting!

Kim & Joe for food - sweet (lol) and for dealing with reams of paperwork

Terry S - marshalling the start/finish

Dave Mercer for hooking up with the Market!!And doing notifications

Bill & Sarah for arranging great coffee

Al for being a mathemagician (especially after when I couldnt even see colour!)

Dave for dealing with great prizes and really pitching in everywhere.

Beth-Anne with draw prizes

Peter Mc. for jumping in wth Marshalling

Lister for being our Guru and doijng tips for TTT's

And your whole Tripleshot Board (Rob, Sarah, Lister, Dylan, Kim & myeslf with the able assistance of Joe & Bill) for getting this thing going and keeping it moving!

Gosh I hope I am not forgetting anyone. But everyone who raced should look at this big long list of folks who made it possible and say a big ole THANK YOU!- YOU ALL ROCK!!!!
Last edited by Plawless on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mlawless »


Nuts, Peter beat me to it - I concur roundly with what Peter has posted - I went up hoping to help marshall, was registered to race and had a blast - that could not have happened without the time and effort of the team and volunteers - Thank you very much.

I also, note that we neglected to thank one other person (and no, he is not sitting beside me telling me to post this - I think he is at the Airport for the red-eye to Toronto).

A hearty thank-you to Peter for stimulating the discussion and doing the various other behind the scenes tasks to allow us to run and enjoy participating in a well organized and exciting event.

Again, thanks to all who volunteered.

ALSO, THANKS TO THOSE THAT RACED for the great environment and cameraderie - I had no intention of racing and I think there were a few others out there that were not that keen on a 68 km suffer-fest - I am glad that I did it.

It is great to be able to say well done to all the participants - I look forward to this race again next year as well as the Metchosin race in a couple of weeks.

See everyone Tuesday,


PS my bike is really dirty - does anyone know where I can get a new one?
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Post by Roland »

Who knew riding 68km as fast as you can could be fun?

It was a great race. Thanks everybody.
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Dave Spiers
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Post by Dave Spiers »

Yes a great day for sure ( my ass is sore)!

Thanks again to all, especially Pete. A few more people to thank, Scott at Oak Bay bikes for the beer, water bottles, and for working a deal with Harbourside for the prizes. Plus a big thanks to Simon W who donated some of the prizes and loaned me the helmets for Lister and Dylan,and the wheels for Galen.
Tripleshot Rocks :D
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Post by Ramsey »

Great experience!
Thanks to everybody who put in time behind the scenes and on-course. To Dave S, Kim and Joe, Duane and Helen, Al and everone else. And of course, to our colour-blind (?) emcee (and awesome teammate), Pete.
Think Tripleshot's first foray into race hosting was a huge success; one that mirrored the spirit of our weekly rides..
Will be in touch with a couple of the Vancouver clubs to start to spread the word for next year..
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Brian S
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Post by Brian S »

Mike, for someone who had no intention of racing, just "happening" to show up with your Cervelo P3 seems like an awfully carefully planned co-incidence. What a great day. The endorphins have finally settle.
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Post by mlawless »

I know, but I had my daughter with me so I was not sure about abandoning her - luckily Michelle (Ryan's owner) was there to hang out while Ryan (mis)treated me like a rented mule :roll:

Given the results, all I can really say is 21 blooming seconds, that is all I needed and I would never have had to race again! A measly, stinking 21 seconds - and we would have had it if someone, not named Michael or Ryan, hadn't ridden into the dirt to try a little cyclocross about 4km from the finish as we must have lost 30" :evil:

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Post by AlW »

A great event for my first "official" TripleShot event.

Thanks to the volunteers who made it happen and thanks to teammates Mike B, Chris M and Dolly for dragging me home.
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Post by emilederosnay »

This was a super event. I really enjoyed the whole experience. When's the next TTT?

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Brian S
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21 seconds

Post by Brian S »

Mike--take heart! you more than made up the 20 seconds in the corrected results. I assume you are referring to the actual time difference between the "ad hoc" and the whippet/horse breeding program. Yes, you beat your brother, and no you can't retire. Sorry.