Silly Solstice One Hundred

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barton bourassa
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Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by barton bourassa »

Well it was not exactly a race but I figure this is a good place to report on this silly but amazing event! So very much fun, except for the first hour. Just something about riding at 4 AM that my mind and body did not like at all! By shortly after 5, it was as if I had finally woken up and things started to click nicely. There were close to 20 of us out there. We had a group of 14 or so that were able to work together really well. We stayed together for all but the last couple laps. Two by two, taking one lap pulls and averaging 32.2 k/hr at the 100 K mark. Pretty impressive!

We took a bit of a break at 100 k and started up again with the pace a bit slower by about 1/2 k/hr. With a couple laps to go for a few of us we picked up the pace dramatically, shredding the once smooth and cohesive group. Personally, I wanted to finish with a bang. My apologize to anyone in the group that was not pleased with this late surge and shredding.

I did finish with a flourish as did others. Overall all pace was 32 K/hr. What was most impressive to me was for 98 laps of Beacon Hill we rode as a group, around and around and around! Congratulations to everyone that took part.

Thank you Simon for instigating this. Thank you Simon, Deb and Kate for organizing and taking care of us.

I am looking forward to next year!
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by leftcoaster »

I was going to say 'That Was Fun!' but I'm not so sure. I hurt.

I have not ridden a lot this year and only went over 50km 3 times previously, with 90km being the longest, so 162km was out there. Having said that, thanks Kate and Simon, I had fun (I think) and I can see this being an annual tradition.

One of the unexpected pieces of information from my Garmin - the total elevation gain was 780 metres. 7 - 8 metres per lap for 101 laps adds up (did an extra lap just to be sure).

- David
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by katew »

Let me see if I can begin to remember everyone who turned up...

Barton (ringmaster)
Simon Pearson (ringleader)
Malcolm Pearson (ringer)
Deb H (plagued by mechanicals, wins the Pure Guts award for soldiering on)
Shawn G (makes me smile every time her radiant self goes by)
Alan Cassels (never, ever, ever gives up)
Alan B (needs more argyle)
Leftcoaster David (that was gritty)
Leftinbed David (Well, thanks for the late support, kid)
Dave S (Responded to insomnia by starting around 2:30?! and came back for more after he finished before us ?!?!)
Dave L (that looked like it hurt a lot near the end)
Mike A (brought his fan club)
Fairweather Mike, who brought the sunshine
Mike Lawless (later arrival, stunned to see us all. "You people are loop-ed!")
Mark Ford (rock-solid flawless pulls)
Steve Rooks (steady on there, lad)
Paul Christopher (caffeine addict, took off in the early laps for a coffee. o_O )
Rob Grant (thank goodness for fresh legs late in the day)
Bill E. (always could make me smile)

I know I've missed a few and I'm already up to at least 18. Somebody please chime in with the missing. What a fun turnout! I'm tired but otherwise unharmed, and am extra grateful for the absolutely perfect day.

A host of Tripleshotters were in a slower-moving pack we overwhelmed on one pass but we never saw them again... and Brenna Pauly went screaming by on her TT bike and did not respond to our pleas for a tow. Kids nowadays.

Will write up a more general report after another nap, but wanted to tip my hat with deep gratitude to everyone who showed up and made this idiocy fast and fun the whole dang way. That group clicked over like clockwork most of the way, and who can begrudge folks wringing the last of their sillies out on the final laps?

Edited: Because I missed a Dave.
Last edited by katew on Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by debh »

For any of my fellow loopy Trippleshotters who are curious, I did make it. 101 Beacon Hill Laps; in retrospect that's really quite a lot. Thankfully there were only 3 mechanicals on the day; unfortunately they were all mine. Twice before sun up I realized that my back wheel was rubbing on the brake, not a difficult fix to re-seat a wheel. The broken spoke at km 123 was most unfortunate. After a long break, DB offered a spare wheel and I was back in business. Getting the legs moving again was one of the hardest parts of the day. Listen to Barton and don't stop during a 100miler.

Highlights of my day:
1 - Finishing my first 100 miler
2 - Being pulled by left-coaster for 16 miles allowing me to hold the group off for 21 mi.
3 - Frontrunners RVM clinic cheering for us while they ran the inside of the ring for 90 mins.
4 - Having Shawn and Simon finish my laps with me.
5 - Having 1 fan out on the course to see me finish my last 3 laps - Thanks Ritchie you have no idea how much it helped.
6 - Learning that the peloton gave me top style honours in the compression sock category for my pink and gray argyles, easily trouncing Simon's obnoxious hot pink abominations.
7 - A steady stream of words of encouragement from the TS pack as we crossed paths.
8 - Learning that noisy brakes can illicit a rather unpleasant cacophony from the peacocks.
9 - The goats get trucked into the petting zoo, they don't live there.
10- Someone in the pack noting that they wanted that peacock's feather for their helmet as they went whizzing past me, then being the sole witness to the peacock turning and chasing the pack down the road. Then having it briefly join my chase pack of 1.
11- Seeing roadkill by mile 0 and being 100% sure it wasn't there last lap.
12- Learning that there are two different climate zones around beacon hill, what was up with the fog and the sub-optimal temperature by Dallas Rd?
13- Feeling dejected about my time losses with the mechanical, and having Jeremy Erickson point out that I couldn't stop as I was well over 80 laps in.
14- Getting out of my sweaty jersey and shorts.

For those that waned the recipe for the banana date "fudge"

10-12 large dates
1 bananna
1tsp vanilla
1/2c coconut oil
2/3c unsweetened cacao powder
optional - walnuts

blend dates and banana in a food processor, heat coconut oil until melted. Remove from head and whisk in cacao powder. Pour into food processor and add banana. Blend until well mixed. Spread thinly (1/4") on a parchment paper lined baking dish (sprinkle with nuts) and refrigerate. Cut into pieces and consume on your next 100 miler.

Thanks everyone for a great day.
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by stevierooks »

"2- Being pulled by left-coaster for 16 miles allowing me to hold the group off for 21 mi
Ya I saw that run Deb. A-frickin-mazing! Watching you two ride out front for lap after lap after lap after lap was inspiring!

Cool runnings
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by AlW »

Well done everyone.

Based on the success of this ride, we should celebrate the winter solstice in a similar fashion.

Who's in?
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by katew »

Paul C.
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by Paul C. »

What great fun .Thanks to Simon, Deb ,Kate and Barton for organizing and inspiration.
Despite going home at 5a.m. to adjust clothing and leaving about 6am for coffee, I did 100km. Congrats. to all who did 100miles and Dave Spears who did 199km!! And also to others that came out for an hour or two.

This is sure to be an annual Summer Solstice Tripleshot event? And who will do
the Summer Triplecrown of Cycling ??----Solstice Ride, Bigloop Ride, Hurricane ridge.
I am betting on Barton!
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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by conway »

Thanks Kate for providing the food and drinks at the rest stop. I still have your water bottle.

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Re: Silly Solstice One Hundred

Post by katew »

My pleasure.

I have two Tripleshot water bottles that aren't mine... anyone?