Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by FairweatherMike »

...and besides, the only alternative solution I heard proposed ("Let's start at 11:59 Friday night and ride until dawn") is too stupid to merit further mention...
Too stupid to merit further mention? It's brilliant! Riding in the dark without having to wait for winter, PLUS it might not even be cold and raining (my Intellicast App says it'll be clear, more or less). What could go wrong other than:
- Drunk drivers with phonecams shooting home versions of Fast and Furious 7 outside the petting zoo;
- Drunk partying pedestrians setting up neck-level tripwires as a harmless prank;
- Drunk spectators getting into the Tour de France spirit by grabbling SSS Century participants as they ride by, taking over Kate's vehicle and turning it into a brothel, etc.
- Drunk raccoons providing furry and surprisingly solid mobile speed bumps :shock:

OK, 4 a.m. it is...
Paul C.
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by Paul C. »

For coffee : Cook st Starbucks opens at 5:30am...Moka house cook st (now a farm team sponsor) opens at 6am.....
Interested club members with nothing to do, are welcome to bring us cookies, pie or other nutrition.

Remember, its ok to do the half or quarter century....and you don t HAVE TO start at 4 a.m.

Thanks to Kate and Barton for starting this craziness. cheers pc
barton bourassa
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by barton bourassa »

Be there at 4, AM that is! Hey, this could also make for really good training for all you team time trial folks out there! A 100 mile TTT!

See you all there at 4 AM!

Before this my dear wife thought I was nuts. Now she has confirmation!!

Simon P, Kate, this is going to be Awesome:):):)
Barton Bourassa
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by DavidB »

I'll be there to laugh and provide mechanical, nutritional and emotional support to those who need it.
I've got an obnoxious helmet. It's green.
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Lister Farrar
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by Lister Farrar »

Hmmm. Note one to file. Plan to emphasize speed work for ttt not getting across.

Note two: Tripleshotters can make anything into a randonnee/granfondo/sufferfest. Wonder when they'll discover the velodrome? What's next, match sprint with 4 hours of balancing? 6 hours of flying 200's? Don't anyone mention 6 days!

Hey, anyone want to do this as a team, alternating laps with a handsling each lap?
"We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too."
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by DavidB »

Lister Farrar wrote: Hey, anyone want to do this as a team, alternating laps with a handsling each lap?
My Track bike and lack of self-preservation sense is ready.
I've got an obnoxious helmet. It's green.
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by leftcoaster »

You guys/girls are absolutely nuts.

I'll be there around 5:00.

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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by spearson »

A few "suggestions".....

1 - Yield to traffic (esp. when exiting the park)
2 - Yield to other cyclists
3 - Yield to pedestrians and wildlife (esp. by the petting zoo)
4 - Yield to the idea that this will not be a fast 100mi, reduce speed to keep everyone safe.
5 - Yield to the possibility that we may not be able to finish

Come Prepared
1 - Bring lots of bottles
2 - Bring a second jersey (at 80mi you'll thank me)
3 - Bring fuel
4 - Bring lights, we're starting in the dark
5 - Bring a spare set of wheels, or at least some tubes.

Select a reasonable start time,

30km/h = 5:20 (4 - 9:20)
28km/h = 5:45 (4 - 9:45)
26km/h = 6:10 (4 - 10:10)
24km/h = 6:40 (4 - 10:40)
22km/h = 7:20 (4 - 11:20)
20km/h = 8:00 (4 - 12:00)

The Garmin is law, when it says 100 miles you're done.....almost. Congratulations, you're finished. Now unless you're the lantern rouge (in which case you're totally hardcore and shall be placed on a pedestal for all those who slept in all morning to wonder at) then get back out there and ride with someone still trying to finish. This is not a suggestion, this is a requirement. If you are no longer physically able to pedal, then you had better be filling bottles. If everyone does this for one other rider, then no one finishes alone.

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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by bill »

See you all at 4am. Can't wait or can I?
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Re: Summer Solstice Stupid Century - Sat. June 22

Post by katew »

Remember to charge up your Garmins, folks.