Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

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Lister Farrar
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Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

(* = mud in french. Ok, I was reaching for the alliteration :oops: )

Dylan Reeves grabbed enough of the doubled points on offer at the series final to clinch sole possession of third overall in masters 40-49 category. Congrats to Dylan for a persistent season: points in 6 out of 7 races, all 7th or higher place.

It was perfect cyclocross weather: lots of mud, but bright sunshine and temps warm enough for shorts. The course at Beban Park created by Peter McCaffery's mid island velo group, had pavement, gravel, single track, a bmx track, greasy off camber hairpins on grass, the longest sandpit of the year at 100+ m, and a piece through a horse barn. Oh yeah, and nanaimo bar, beer and fireball handups. And lots of heckling at the hurdles ("You tried hard, Lister" ouch.).

Pook's was the final of 12 podiums, real and virtual* for Tripleshotters yesterday. (*Ok, I made up podiums for riders in the top 3 in their age group in this event or the series, even if the organizers didn't actually offer that distinction: I claim reporter's license 8) .)

First off were beginner men, with 12 year old Ethan Pauly jumping off the line into second place for the first lap, a significant accomplishment against a field of 27 ranging from 9-59 yrs. Ethan faded a bit, but only to 8th, but first u13. Cameron Paul and Lachlan Fraser were 11th and 16th, 2nd and 3rd u13. Thomas Hill and Sage Parikh rounded out the TS team placings in 21, and 23, out of 27 riders.

There is no series standing for age groups below intermediate and master, but Ethan, Lockie and Cam would have been top three if there had. And series organizer Normon Thibault announced yesterday that next year will have separate age group series standings. Likely the system will see kids race in their ability group (beginner, intermediate, etc), but score points in their age group standing. A good system to ride where you're comfortable, but get credit for your age.

In Beginner women, Rachel Carey stormed off the line getting a 20 metre lead by the first corner and growing that lead to the finish, 45 seconds clear of 2nd.

In intermediate men, new Oak Bay High rider Jay Lamoureux did his first sanctioned cross race. He rode really well mid pack until a piece of wire got caught in his his derailleur and pretty much demolished it, so he had to run it in. Jay did his first cross ride on Liam's bike three weeks ago, immediately put his road bike up for sale. He negotiated a sweet deal with local national triathlon team chiropractor Rob Hasegawa, to swap it for a dura ace salso con crosso. Podium for guts starting in intermediate vs beginner and running most of the lap with a busted derailleur.

Intermediate women saw Alex and Brenna 12th and 13th, second and third juniors in the intermediate field. Alex crashed and dropped her chain and came back to challenge the junior leader, and Brenna had a slow start, but came back within 45 seconds of Alex. Brenna ended the series 16th overall, Alex, 19th, 3rd and 6th junior overall. Other TS'rs included Joanna Fox 19th out of 22, and 22 out of 40 in the series, Vanessa Service 20th overall, and Liz Brown (15) 30th overall.

Other masters yesterday included Rob Grant in 37th in masters, yours truly 42, James Pauly 44, on the day, ending the series, 69th, 64th, and 50th respectively. Other TSrs in the series were Ty Bellevie 77, Sylvan Smyth, Norm Marcy =85th.

Jenn and Glen finished 8th and 9th in the open women's series standings.

(Other Tripleshotters rode, like Paul Christopher, but they don't keep standings in the beginner category. Please post any errors or omissions.)

Major thanks to series organizer Normon Thibault, results folks Hilary and Steve Grant, IT whizes Roland and Katie Rabien, and the host clubs in Cumberland, Nanaimo, Victoria, Port Alberni and Ladysmith.

For anyone interested in riding, this quote on the Island Cross facebook page says it all:
Halldór Örn Gunnarsson
Thanks everyone for a great season.
I'm constantly blown away by how friendly and inviting the Cross on the rock series is. It's a great community we have here.

I have some Descente leg warmers that I grabbed by accident at the Nationals...Size med.
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Last edited by Lister Farrar on Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

And i think this is my favourite photo of the season. Katie Rabien takes a mustache hand-up from Normon Thibault, while Tycho Thibault steals the shot. ... /lightbox/

Pretty cool the lead IT person still finds time to race, while the series organizer finds time to make a prostate cancer statement, while minding his son, while mum Wendy Sims races in open women. Says it all.

Props to Scott Mitchell of Trek Pro city for the photo.
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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by dreeves »

Wow, what a great race report, Lister! Kudos to your for a fantastic effort for even attempting to ride that course considering your fragile collarbone.

Unless someone out there knows something that I don't, it has to be made clear that I ended up fourth overall in the Masters category. Going into the race I was tied with Bill MacMillan for third. I felt like I had a pretty good shot at taking the necessary points to be the sole occupier of 3rd, however, I needed to come ahead of Bill to make that happen; it didn't.

He rode like a man possessed, and I guess he was as he knew I was coming after him. He was able to keep the wheel of the winner for the first two laps, enough to catapult him far enough ahead that I was only able to take about 5 seconds per lap out of his lead. He crossed the line in 3rd and I came 6th.

It was the toughest race of the year for me. The wet, never-ending sloggy grass sections, the downhill, off camber zigzags, the taller-than-usual barriers (or so they seemed on the last lap)...loved it all, but it all took it's toll!

Congratulations to all TS riders for a great season.

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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

They announced at the presentations that you were in sole 3rd 40-49, and gave separate prizes to Bill for winning 50-59. Only you know that a 50-59 beat you. :oops:

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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by dreeves »

Okay, I guess I did get 3rd in the 40-49. Nothing but kudos to Bill. I was VERY aware of his age and look at his result as inspiration as I head toward my next decade!

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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

dreeves wrote:Wow, what a great race report, Lister! Kudos to your for a fantastic effort for even attempting to ride that course considering your fragile collarbone.
Not fragile. Both are now 'armoured'.

Lungs and quads, on the other hand, were in little pieces...
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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Robgrant »

I was glad to hear the times for the masters were off. I couldn't believe how done I was after (as originally posted) only 37 minutes or racing. The reality was closer to 53min.
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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

Check the set on Cameron's jaw for the start. Thomas is visible under his top tube, Ethan and Sage also. Lockie was also there, but out of the shot.
Cameron, Ethan, Sage start at Beban 2012.jpg
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Re: Barns, Berms and Boue* COTR Final- Pook sews up 3rd!

Post by Lister Farrar »

eek. Pook was right. Just had an xray and checkup with the surgeon. Not ready to race, bone only about half grown back, plate still doing a lot. My mistake, thought the 6 week deadline was enough, but guess this break was worse than the last, plus that little screw loosening incident. Racing this weekend is out. Whew, glad i keep it upright at Beban. Gonna miss the fun at Bend. Have to get more cowbell and sample the sponsors product.

Ok to ride though. See ya Tuesday am.

Note to self, listen better to surgeon.
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