CYCLING BC - A Partial Update

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CYCLING BC - A Partial Update

Post by Plawless »

I happen to be on the Board of Cycling BC. I am happy to discuss with anyone at any time matters of concern etc. So let’s start with that - if you want to chat lets find a time and chat.

Second, I am more than happy to try to provide an update on the current situation but in doing so I want everyone to be aware that some matters are not public and I must balance my desire to speak openly to any member with the duties I owe the organization as a director (ie. loyalty, good faith & obedience).

It is also important to note that at least some of the current turmoil arises as a result of internal personnel matters which it would be totally inappropriate for me to comment on. However with respect to those matters I can absolutely assure everyone that I am personally both very engaged and very committed to finding a resolution that is in what I believe to be the best interests of cycling on BC. I have some (perhaps not surprisingly) very strong views on how things should be and I am personally working towards that. I am hopeful that this will be both effective and satisfactory but unfortunately there are a number of interests that are at play and unless those interests can be aligned it will be hard for my view of “success” to be realized. I am however fully committed to following a process that I believe will lead to appropriate outcomes.

I do feel it is important to note that none of the communications I have read in the public sphere are complete. This is not meant to be overly critical of those who care enough to put their views on paper as the fact that they care ought to be applauded. However I feel that we do a tremendous disservice to our sport when we mask opinion as fact and argue for particular positions. I feel that there is (in every case) at least 2 sides to every story and unfortunately most of the comments I have read have been predicated on only one side of the story.

Looking at the re-schedule of the AGM as an example I have read how this is clearly a device being wrongly used by CBC so as to give them time to come up with a strategy to “beat” the group of upset members. Frankly this is incorrect (and personally insulting). The ONLY reason to reschedule the AGM was to ensure there was a large enough room to accommodate the 200+ people CBC was advised were coming. The various suggestions about moving to a different hall once capacity was exceeded or adjourning the meeting generally were examined and rejected as too problematic (i.e the costs to out of region folks to come to Abbotsford twice). It was determined that the best way to ensure everyone had a chance to be heard and vote was to reschedule it to a meeting roof adequate size.

I feel it also bears commenting on that while it is wonderful to hear that there are over 200 concerned interested members that want to be involved at the AGM I wish those same 200 were equally involved at all times in the past year and at prior AGMS..... perhaps had that been the case we would not be in the present situation.

What I really fear in this environment is that there are very specific positions being advanced by specific parties. I personally have a lot of respect for people who stand up and say their mind. However where I am gravely concerned is what I understand to be a plan to take over the Board so as to accomplish a very specific goal. My question is: Then what? What happens the day AFTER the meeting? What is the plan to advance cycling in BC? Some people have, again based in part on incomplete facts, come to believe or been convinced there is a specific problem and a specific solution. That is fine. But let’s say that specific problem is “fixed”. Has anyone considered what the environment looks like right after? Do any of these advocates have a plan to ADVANCE cycling? If they are all so passionately committed where have they been the last 6 months? Year? Two years? I was appalled at the last CBC AGM where there were maybe 30 people in the room. I would LOVE to see 200+ people at EVERY meeting. But I fear that we can easily whip the troops in line for one meeting but then things will return to how they were and there will be little left after they have all gone back into the woodwork. I greatly fear the frenzy of a mob mentality.

This is NOT to say that their issue doesn’t need to be addressed. Nor is it to say that their objective should not be achieved BUT it is very much to say that if you want to effect change do so with a plan that is more than “make a change”.

I should also note that I have had no real contact with any individual or group that is advocating for this sort of change. I feel that is a bit disappointing as well. I think that s unfortunate both as a director of CBC and, more importantly, as your President – Tripleshot is one of the very biggest clubs in the Province and I feel that we should be consulted on matters that concerns our club as this one most certainly does. If there is concern with consulting me (which I respect given my dual hatted role) then they should be consulting the rest of our Board. Tripleshot has and should have a powerful voice in Cycling but again unless it is informed ... It also means, though, that I don't know their “plan” it may be that there is a plan for days 2, 3 4 and beyond. I really hope so but I fear that there has been lots of talk about the change that is “desired” and little talk of next steps.

Ok, that is probably enough from me. I apologize if this seems like a rant more than a report / explanation. I wish I was in a position to set out what I see as ALL the facts but that is not possible at this point. What I would ask though is that all of you who are members – get involved! The one thing that I KNOW would be good for this sport is to have an active and engaged membership. That means it is as important to be engaged when things are good as when they are bad. This is OUR association. WE choose how it will be with every vote we cast or meeting we don’t go to. So if you care about the sport then get involved get informed and get out to the meeting.


p.s I welcome your thoughts and comments either here or by email to
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Re: CYCLING BC - A Partial Update

Post by Rolf »

Bravo! Thanks, Peter. I fully respect it would be inappropriate to get into specific disputed facts on this forum (as unsatisfying as that may be to those of us out of the loop), but your outlook and general messages are extremely encouraging: full and balanced discussion is an essential precursor to finding sustainable solutions, and stakeholder engagement is vital. Your concerns about the potential for destructive short-term thinking in replacing a board/executive over discrete issues are well-founded. Volunteer-run societies require directors and executives who are committed to the overall goals of the organization and not simply floated in to make one or two things "right".

I, for one, am grateful you are as engaged as you are, both with Tripleshot and Cycling BC. Keep up the great work. :!:

I'll ask you in person about the doping/UCI resolution. Hopefully, come Dec. 2 things will have changed sufficiently in Aigle that it will no longer be necessary...
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Re: CYCLING BC - A Partial Update

Post by Roland »

The start of this letter by Todd Hansen sure sounds familiar.
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Der Radfahrer
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Re: CYCLING BC - A Partial Update

Post by Der Radfahrer »

Cycling BC AGM on Dec 2 - Transportation for Victoria attendees.

Those in Victoria looking for transportation to the Cycling BC AGM on Dec 2 can contact me for a ride. I will have a 12 Passenger Van available and will be leaving for Vancouver in the morning of Dec 2. Availability will be on a first come (first notified) first serve basis with emphasis that we want representation from Victoria from different clubs and different disciplines. Please call me at 250-415-3246 or email me at to make arrangements and for details on pickup location and time.


Jon Watkin
Jon Watkin
Event Director
Robert Cameron Law Cycling Series
phone: 250-415-3246