Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

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Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by sylvan »

Just chatting with Richard on Facebook - he's OK, nothing broken, good news! Does anybody know where his bike is? I was last to leave the scene with Geordie and it didn't look like his bike was still there. I asked the police and they said another of the riders had dealt with it somehow.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by shawnc »

Unfortunately I have no information to contribute, but where was the crash and what happened? Mend soon Richard!
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by sylvan »

Fifth(?) lap of Beacon Hill, pickup truck driver turned left just past the petting zoo to go up the hill to the flag - right in front of Geordie, Richard and Greg. Geordie and Richard took it head on, full-on at 45 km/h, Greg bailed in avoidance and rolled on the road into the side of the truck. 'B' group came along shortly after, sun in their eyes, truck still in the middle of road, and they all piled up trying to slow down.

Geordie stretched out a sore knee and rode down to coffee, but I think he's gone to Emerg now to get checked over, Greg was scraped up in the face but seemed mostly OK and rode home, Richard was hurting real bad and the ambulance took him to emerg. Everybody was concerned so it's great to hear that's he's mostly OK. Lisa and I had some road rash cleaned up and rode away. A few others went down in the 'B' group but I don't think anybody else got hurt.

Sun was behind the driver, shining right on the riders so it's pretty ridiculous.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by sylvan »

Geordie: suspected fractured wrist and clavicle.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Paula »

Sorry to hear about geordie!!

I am glad richard is okay! Tell him his ts mother is glad to hear he is okay. I think his bike was taken by a fella who normally rides A and often wears OB kit (I know u r all thinking WHAT bike does he ride??) he has very big legs (dont all A riders), he is a bigger guy... Sorry i dont know his name.
He has some facial hair.

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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Josh.E »

was it Trevor? description sounds like him, although I don't remember seeing him this morning
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Josh.E »

Geordie is waiting on x-ray results right now for fractures to his wrist and collarbone. He says the collarbone doesn't feel fractured, but the wrist is a definite maybe.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Paula »

He wasnt riding A today, he was 'slacking it' in B. So u
Might not have seen him josh.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by trevor »

Lol...not me. Another big guy with big legs and facial hair.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by JohnT »

That description fits the jogger/witness who offered to file a report and then mysteriously went missing. I hope you heal quickly (Richard and everyone else who hit the ground). Ignore my comment above - I am sure the bike is in good hands.

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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Richard K »

Haha, I certainly hope not John! Thanks for all the support today everyone. I hope Geordie and everyone else is ok and mending up well.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Greg Miller »

Glad to hear Richard is ok. Always scary when the stretcher comes out. I was behind Richard and Geordie, it happened so fast I had just enough time to realize there is no where to go but over the handle bars, then landed with the front wheel of the truck in front of my nose...

I got off lucky - a cut ear, a few other scraps and a bruised knee and hand.

Thanks to everyone who helped out and to Trevor who escorted me home.

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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Andrew »

Rats, sorry to hear about the carnage. Hope all of you heal well. A
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Stéphane Tran »

Sounds like a nasty crash. Hope you are all healed and back at it soon. -Stéphane
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by jpauly »

I took it and his helmet to my house at 424 Powell street. Call me on my cell 250-589-0530 to arrange pick-up or delivery. Jim Pauly
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Alan »

Was any wildlife harmed in the accident? Ducks? Peacocks? Coons?
Just wishing...
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by shawnc »

Alan wrote:Was any wildlife harmed in the accident? Ducks? Peacocks? Coons?
Just wishing...
I ran over a Canada Goose on the sufferfest ride this Saturday, if that helps at all. We were coming down the hill by the Oak Bay marina and all of a sudden there was a flock of them in the middle of the road. Stupid geese.
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by Josh.E »

shawnc wrote:
Alan wrote:Was any wildlife harmed in the accident? Ducks? Peacocks? Coons?
Just wishing...
I ran over a Canada Goose on the sufferfest ride this Saturday, if that helps at all. We were coming down the hill by the Oak Bay marina and all of a sudden there was a flock of them in the middle of the road. Stupid geese.
I believe the correct term is "gaggle"
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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by beegull »

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Re: Richard's Bike after the Crash Today

Post by jeremy »

Wow that $160 fine will sure teach him for almost killing a bunch of people :roll:
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