Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

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Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by Vanessa »

So while last Saturdays ride was great, I was warned that the pace is usually faster than we were going...

Dually noted. I'll be at CSV at 6. This post might be unnecessary as I know its a scheduled ride, but I thought I'd throw it up here anyway in case any other Bs were on the fence.

PS I’ll be ending with 2 for 1 yam french toast. You're welcome to join but I can’t promise I'll share.
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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by FairweatherMike »

I'm up for a B+ ride (if that's what B"ish" is, or is that B-?) and if other Busy Bs express interest it might be good to grab an extra 30 minutes of energy and leave at 6:30. Absent a big expression of interest in that direction, I'll be at CSV Buckstar at 6.

John D, are you going to do a training ride with us to prep for your Goldstream adventure on Sunday?
Mike Skinner
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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by AlW »

Is the route still Cook to Fairfield followed by the normal Sunday ride around the water?
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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by Paula »

I am looking for a longish ride this weeknd, but need to figure out what day works best with my family. How long will this ride be and what route?
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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by Vanessa »

Last week we did waterfront backwards, cordova bay, out to sidney, landsend, through brentwood then to interurban... or something like that. Im not set on any route in particular .... though longer would be good for me too since I haven't been able to get out much during the week anymore :(
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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by Krostini »

I'll be trying to get out that early ...but I'm not sleeping yet :)
Hope to see you in the am

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Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by Paula »

i hope you had/are having a good ride. Slept in... Hay siempre manana.

Posts: 191
Joined: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:25 am

Re: Saturday July 27 B(ish) ride

Post by FairweatherMike »

Thanks all for a great ride Saturday...was there a mechanical south of Brentwood Bay? I looked back to see...nothing - except a gaggle of folks standing around in the distance. With a house full of guests and the potential of a displeased mate, I hammered home AFAP - hope that wasn't poor form. See you next Saturday!
Mike Skinner