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Post by JohnT »

Thirty minutes before the start of the B race the rain was coming down. It had stopped by the start, but the streets were still damp. Everyone ended up on the start line though a few of us waited to the last minute to commit. One of us waited until the last second – literally.

Neutralize was the word of the day. If a car is seen on the course, neautralize. If a rider goes down, neutralize. No swearing and no peeing. I have to say I am a bit embarrassed by my fellow residents of Oak Bay. Though I don’t disagree with the idea of neutralizing under these conditions, nor with the peeing, swearing thing, it was clear that Jen was under a lot of pressure not to upset a single person. Non-stop complainers. Just read the local paper and you see what I mean. I’ll never forget/forgive the *#%$! that shooed us off her lawn while an ambulance dealt with Bill a few years ago. I digress.

There was another point to my comment about ‘neutralize’. Two laps into the B race John Guthrie went down in corner two. I think he crossed a manhole. There was a manhole on the way into that corner, and a couple on the exit of corner one. If you could run through those two corners and miss all three, then it was pretty safe. Hit one, and things got exciting. John G. was in about 10th place at the time. Those ahead had started to stretch things out on the way out of the corner, but we all slowed up except the guy in first. He got almost half a lap on us as a result – and ended up winning. Jen’s left with the task of sorting that out. Though I don't quite buy the argument that he didn't know we’d neutralized (the guy in second did get the message and he wasn’t very far behind), the fact that he held off the entire B pack for 40 minutes and 5 laps suggests that he is a worthy winner.

It was a fast pace, but there were a few rest opportunities. Steve and Taylor ran near the front (top 5) for most of the race. Andrew, Al, one of our juniors (Barb’s son?) and I ran between 5th and 10th for most of the race. Apart from the guy off the front, the pack stayed together – sometimes well strung out, but I don't think there were many elastic bands breaking. Everyone, except Steve in turned out, seemed to have at least one tire slip scare. Steve reports that the tubulars were great in the wet.

On the bell I was well positioned. In corner two a few must have been cautious – I looked back, while sitting about tenth, to see a big gap to Calgary Steve (who owns a house in Victoria now – congratulations Steve). Two corners to go – maybe I can get a top ten just by hanging on. Nope. Anyone ever been on Steve’s wheel when he decides to bridge up? It’s a nice place to be because he’s going to do it no matter what. Going into the last corner Steve and at least two others got by – I think I’ll be about 12th overall. Steve, I am guessing, made it to 7th or 8th. Taylor was up there, but it was Brent’s main rival (for VCL B GC) Marty that won the battle for 2nd. We had been catching the guy who got away on lap two, but didn't quite make it.

Lot’s of fun. Then many of us watched the A race. That report could easily be longer than this one. What a drama. I’ll keep it real short: Have a look at the photos from Caleb Pike. Adam beats Ralph and Curtis in a sprint with his hands off the bars. The “Red Truck is Number 1” dance as he crossed the line was a bit over the top. But, he’s 20-something and really fricking good. So, why not? Well, fast-forward a few days. Russ Hayes were out for revenge. No shit. They had a big team and sent guys off the front non-stop. It looked like Pro City were in on the game. Adam pulled the entire A field back up to the breakaway at one point. Then, when another RussHayes/ProCity pair went off the front, Steve Bachop repeated the task – at least three laps on the front of the entire A group. But, the teamwork paid off. Another pair, one from Pro City and one from Russ Hayes, went off the front. This time there was no answer. Epic.

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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Lund »

Great race report, John. It was a fun race.

Some highlights that John didn't mention were Andrew's "Oops, I turned too wide" detours onto the sidewalk after corner #2; Trevor's loud tire explosion and even louder F-bomb (in flagrant disregard of Jenny's plea for proper and respectable language); and Al's pacing, fretting, second-guessing and worst-case-scenario speculating during the 45 minutes leading up to the start of the race. Aren't you glad, Al, that you succumbed to our relentless browbeating and peer pressure and threw common sense by the wayside?

Nice work, Tripleshot. We rode well and looked great!
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Andrew »

Great reports guys, lots of fun. It was pretty slick out there and the group rode well to have only one crash. I think Taylor was second and Martin said he was about sixth. Great to watch the A race.
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by AlW »

JohnT wrote:Everyone ended up on the start line though a few of us waited to the last minute to commit.
Guilty as charged. I have avoided crits for the most part. My usual strategy is to sit at Nar with a coffee and a turkish butter bun and cheer on those braver than myself. I finally sucked it up and did Windsor 2 weeks ago (first one in 15+ years), but the visions of Lister and Bill being tended to by paramedics continue to lurk in the back of my mind. The rain yesterday didn't help.

30 minutes + 5 laps means at least 30 laps total. That's 120 wet corners littered with divots, painted lines and manhole covers. I was determined to skip it. 15 minutes before the start it looked like it was getting brighter so I signed on (the browbeating and peer pressure from John and Steve was also helpful).
Lund wrote:Aren't you glad, Al, that you succumbed to our relentless browbeating and peer pressure and threw common sense by the wayside?

First few laps were interesting to say the least. Peter pulled off in corner 2 after a rear wheel slide. I think he pulled out completely after doing a few more 1 and 2 wheel slides (I'm guessing he was laying down too much power and his tires couldn't handle it :) ) John Guthrie went down in the same corner soon after (Apparently he cracked his noggin so decided not to rejoin. Hope he is ok). Trevor McKenzies tire goes off like a bomb and he follows it up with his own f-bomb.

After a few laps I managed to figure out the best lines through the corners that avoided the manhole covers and divots, and minimized contact with the painted lines. For the remainder of the race, I was focused on following those lines and was oblivious to what was happening at the pointy end of the race, including the fact that someone was off the front. I don't recall having any tire slips though. Just a few rear wheel hops after hitting those little "X" marked divots at speed. I finished, unscathed, in my usual spot at the tail end of the main group.

Re: the A race. It was a good one. After Adam's (cocky in my opinion) finish line celebration last Wednesday, it's no surprise that some payback was coming. The Russ Hayes and Pro City guys stuck it to him pretty good, with repeated attacks off the front. Adam and Steve Bachop did a huge amount of work, but every time they caught a break, another would go. Great team tactics and a very entertaining to watch.

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Re: WindsorPark

Post by trevor »

Indeed I have been called out on my momentary mental lapse. Not a good way to represent the host club and sadly ironic that Jenny had JUST reminded us to keep it PG. I know better too. Not my finest moment for sure - apologies to those offended and to those just trying to give me the gears I'll tell you what I think f you in person :wink:

That being said, this was really my only mental error in the race. My cornering continues to improve and with that comes a bit of confidence - actually, the two go hand in hand, no? There seemed to be no chance of getting Jon as we just couldn't get organized enough to do so. The we're a few blistering laps including the penultimate. I had to bridge up to the lead 4 or so riders and was able to kick for 2nd in the bunch sprint, 3rd overall.

I think the largest victory was the weather clearing up and no major crashes. Well done all. I can't believe it's the end of July already. :(
steven grandy
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by steven grandy »

If your team has members in the break, there is no obligation to pull for the pack. It was in the interest of pro-city to have a rider in the break. Tom's riding very well and Steve Bachop is quite difficult to ride away from. Not to mention that he seems punchier than last year.