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Post by JohnT »

I hope you guys weren't waiting for me to post a report! Seems I often get to it first, but this time there's not a lot for me to write. Peter encouraged me to enter the A race (thanks - really!) and I managed to hang on. Drafting Kevin's wheel for many laps helped. This wasn't really a race strategy, more as a survival strategy. 50 minutes and then five laps: I ended up 9th I think - I saw 9th written on the list, but won't be surprised if I was really a bit further back when the official results are posted. I confess that I did attempt to pass Kevin in the sprint. Didn't manage that, but that short battle took both of us past a few others. Thanks to the supporters around the course - I really felt the push. Brian had a bad fall in the B race but jumped back in when they came round again. I saw it from a distance, and it looked hard. Hats off to him for not giving up. I'll bet it hurts like hell right now.

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Stéphane Tran
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Stéphane Tran »

We had a great turnout of TS riders and spectators today! It was great to see some Tripleshotters in the C field, I saw Paul C and Jimmy and maybe 1 or 2 others. As for the B race, we had 8 riders at the start line and a plan to deliver Brian to the finish in style with a strong lead-out. Jeff took quite a few pulls at the front during the race and looked quite strong, and Andrew seemed to be able to stay near the front quite well too. I was a couple of riders ahead of Brian when he went down. Man, I hate the sound of crashes! Fortunately he was able to get back in the race, but as John said, he's probably quite sore now. Hope to see you out on the road again soon Brian! I have good memories of Windsor Park from last year when we executed our pre-race plan really well and led Kevin out for a close 2nd in the final sprint. I was feeling pretty confident remembering that race, however things did not go quite so well today for me. I felt good, but I was too far back going into the final laps and wasn't able to get the front as I wanted. I find that it is more difficult to move up the pack at Windsor than at Latoria as the straight sections are shorter. Also, I guess I need to work on my positioning as I found myself boxed in the inside of corners a few times, causing me to exit the corner wide. I got a bit of a lecture from another rider for that. I think we have one of the stronger - if not the strongest - team in the Bs and I am sure we got a few top-10 finishers. However, I have to say I am personally disappointed with my race today, not because of my final placing, but rather because I feel I didn't really contribute anything meaningful to the team's overall plan as I had hoped.
Last edited by Stéphane Tran on Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Paul C. »

Thanks everyone for your support and teamwork today, About 20 people in the C race, including 4 Tripleshotters....Duncan,Jim, Adam and me.
Duncan went down in the first crash, but was ok and got back in like a real trooper then on the post-crash neutral lap another person went down. So we all seemed to slow down a bit and regroup. I was quite happy to hear " FIVE TO GO" and took a pull at the front for about a lap and finished near the end of the main group. A good event and club outing....then I did 85km out to Metchosin with Janice[triathlete and future road-racer]
cheers, Paul C.
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by BearPope Recruit »

Thanks to all the TSers that came out today both to race & cheer! I really appreciated all the encouragement every lap!

Fun and excitement in the front of the pack for the first 10mins or so and then shattered off the back to find Morton and 2 others to work with. Sorry I couldn't keep up to be part of the team strategy but hopefully one race soon! Always nice to know there are some friendly wheels to hang onto in a crowd.

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Re: WindsorPark

Post by esilnarson »

Despite feeling like I’ve grown a third butt cheek and destroying every piece of kit I had on (other than my shoes), I am still pretty happy with how things worked out today.

Having never done a crit before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. All of the chaos in the corners was very exhilarating, but you certainly have to be on high alert all times with so many people bunched up in the turns. I ended up having one close call before my actual fall. Somewhere around the twentieth lap, I tagged a pedal going through corner three and hopped my back wheel to the left (it felt like it skipped at least a foot :shock: ) but managed to keep it upright – I think my teenage bmx skills may have helped me avoid disaster that time.

Towards the 40 minute mark, the rider in front of me slowed and swerved left. We touched wheels and despite locking my arms, I ended up doing some sort of a cartwheel type manoeuver and skidding to a stop on my hip. Luckily, I fell almost directly in front of Jenny and the Mechanic from Oak Bay bikes. They were kind enough to check out my bike quickly and remind me that I was able to jump back into the race without losing a position. I got back in with the pack and Stephane asked me if we were still on for the original plan with me sprinting for the win. I told him that I would have to ride a couple of laps to see how I feel, not realizing that we were now only 5 laps from the finish.

Two laps into the final five I was feeling quite a bit better but was still a little spooked. I tried to jockey myself towards the front with Trevor, Andrew and Stephane on the last lap. Going into the final corner I was latched on to Andrew’s wheel, I pulled around him and gave it my best shot considering the circumstances. I ended up passing a few people and I think I placed in sixth or seventh overall.

I will definitely be sore for a few days. I will get a new helmet tomorrow and intend on being out for the Tuesday morning ride and hopefully Caleb Pike on Wednesday. For now, it’s a few more ibuprofens, an ice pack, a glass of red wine, and then off to bed for me.
Brian E
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Paul C. »

I would say Brian in the B race and Duncan in the C race, get a big A+ for effort
and the "jumpback in award". Way to go Tripleshot.
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Jimmy »

I have to say that was a fun event. My first time and the support from the other riders and especially the crowd of TS'ers that were watching and/or competing in the later races certainly made the race a blast.
I took it pretty easy and sat in for most of the first half. Narrowly avoided getting tangled in the 1st corner carnage and tried to work out a game plan with our team mates. We really weren't ever hooked together but each made a solid contribution. I didn't really push it too much on the last few laps and got boxed in but have a good feel for how to execute a more aggressive strategy.
Next time, the C group riders should work out a formulated plan and work together. Racing strategy and corning are my best skills so maybe sacrificing for Duncan with a proper lead out would help gain the podium.
Thanks for all the encouragement from everyone!!
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Re: WindsorPark

Post by DuncanGrant »

The sky above the road, where rubber would soon battle like swords, was clear. A small breeze hung around, but didn’t stay long. I new it would be a warm day perfect for bike racing.
Forms were signed, warm-ups were had, and the C riders assembled in front of the start / finish line. A man with a camera asked my name, and then took my picture. He explained it was because I looked “different.” I can only assume he meant faster.
We were informed of the proper etiquette of the race, Jenny told us good luck, and we rolled away.
The racing began slowly, most of the riders still waiting for the morning coffee to kick in. But as the group got a feel for the corners, the pace increased.
O2 cycling club started its strong presence at the front early, setting the pace, and allowing Jeb Gibson and Malcolm to escape up the road.
The trademark romance of fast paced corners in a crit is only heightened by the ever resonating danger of crashes. And oh, danger was afoot
About halfway through the race, the group approached the Newport/Windsor corner. As we went through, someone must have touched a wheel. Doug Carey and two other riders went down before my eyes. My bike turned into a rearing stallion I pulled my handlebars like reigns trying to control the beast. I rolled into a mound of metal and spandex, but was able to unclip and jump off my bike unscathed.
I helped pull the bikes off the other riders and inspected my own steed, a few scratches misaligned stem, and dropped chain. Working quickly I addressed the issues and hopped back into the race with Doug on the neutral lap.
Much respect to all the other riders who went down. Especially Doug, who continued the race with a wobbly rear wheel, and a good chunk of skin left on the road. Chapeau!
For the rest of the race I focused on performing the delicate ballet of moving through the group, trying to stay as close to the front as possible.
The pace of the group was quickening but there was no catching the two out in front. Jeb took first and Malcolm second.
With one lap to go I forced my way to about 4th wheel, losing it for a minute through the second to last corner. I regained my position through the final turn and went around the outside sprinting for third place.

Thanks very much too all the Tripleshotters that came out to race, and support!
And if you’ve made it to the end of this report, I thank, and applaud you.

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Re: WindsorPark

Post by JohnT »

The C group thinking strategy and writing poetically. There's evidence of TS success! I have to remark, sorry for the vanity, that I am the oldest guy with a point in the A group. At least the oldest among those who have ages next to their names. I recognize and admit right away, that it was a result of sitting in for the entire race, but there it is. Thanks again Kevin.

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Re: WindsorPark

Post by Paul C. »

Looks like Duncan may have a career as a Roadie and as a writer!!!!

Speaking of old guys in the race.... .I may have been the oldest in all three races at almost 59. I look forward to next year in my new 60+ age group!!
How about all these other 50+,60+ and 70+[hey Rando Mark Ford] tripleshot guys[and maybe gals too], Who's doing some masters racing this year?? Starting this coming Sunday April 29 at Maple Bay area??