Reminder for Randonneuring ride (200K) Sunday 4th March

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Reminder for Randonneuring ride (200K) Sunday 4th March

Post by conway »

An opportunity to stretch the legs and get in a few miles in. The details of the ride can be found at ... 4_200.html

The route is basically a double route of the Peninsula see map. The cue sheet has a few errors that are being corrected. The ride starts at the organizer's house (MIke Croy) who will be serving coffee and goodies prior to the ride and chilli after the ride.

If you think you may ride, select Rando Pony from the web site and print the Event Entry and Club Membership forms. Complete them and bring them to the ride - this will save you a great deal of time.

If you have any questions regarding the ride give me a call (250 595-6790) or speak to me at coffee on Friday morning.
