Cool Dueling Scar

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Cool Dueling Scar

Post by Plawless »

I am impressed at the lengths people wil go to drop me at KGT! Seriously just go harder and I wont make it - there is no reason to throw bikes at me!

Anyway I am out of Emerg now. 11 stitches around my eye and a bunch of road rash but all is well. I look like the toughest freaking lawyer out there now!

This am is another great example of how awesome this group is. Before I knew what was happening I was helped off the road, 911 was called, a couple of guys found a first aid kit (!) and got a bandage on me. then Greg carried my bike to his place as the Ambulance wouldnt let it come with me. After that there were emails and even a call to the hospital. It is really great to know that if things go wrong we are all in really good hands with each other. So thanks to all.

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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by wonger »

Plawless wrote:I am out of Emerg now. 11 stitches around my eye and a bunch of road rash
WWHAATT????? What did I miss this morning?
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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by conway »

Peter wrote:

I look like the toughest freaking lawyer out there now!

Good to hear your OK. Your new look won't last long. Your road rash and eye will heal so you will then be back to your old good looking "nice guy" lawyer look.

Paul C.
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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by Paul C. »

Pete ....... good to hear you are ok .I hope Gavin is too.
Any lessons for us to learn from this one???
It was a nice morning for the small B group with no ice! See you all soon.
p.s. Sylvan Smithe is back in town and hopefully with us Wed, or Friday.
cheers Paul.C.
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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by katew »

Real friends would have paused your Garmin for you.

Just sayin'

(What *happened*?)

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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by beegull »

I was the second rider to go down in the crash. I'm limping around like Ahab, dragging my right leg around. It's as if there's an obnoxious poltergeist standing beside me waiting to give me a charlie horse if I make the mistake of bending my leg. I've even gone so far as to name him: Charlie. Charlie the Horse.

As to how and why the crash occurred, let's just say the vegetation in Fairfield isn't as dormant and benign as it seems. In particular, the giant hedge on the inside of the turn heading up King George harbours a malevolence, maybe even an appetite for cyclists. As Gavin was turning the corner, the hedge reached out and caught his handlebars. That sent him flying, and after having just enough time to let out some kind of noise I also took flight. Peter, I think, was caught by one of the errant bikes.

I want to thank Brian and Mike A. for helping getting my bike rolling again, and for riding back with me to Fernhood. Other than the bum leg, i've got some minor road rash and other various bruising, but I'll be out again when Charlie stops haunting me.

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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by sylvan »

Ugh. I always take that turn wide, but not because of rank shrubs, I'm always afraid there will be a car parked there. There never is, it's probably a no-parking zone.
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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by jeremy »

Peter glad to hear you're ok.
Did it feel weird riding in the ambulance instead of chasing after it? :P
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Re: Cool Dueling Scar

Post by cashman »

jeremy wrote: Did it feel weird riding in the ambulance instead of chasing after it? :P
ooohhhh GOOD ONE!!!!
"PAIN is nothing compared to what it feels like to QUIT!"