Beer/ Coke Cross at the Fernwood Dec. 1st

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Beer/ Coke Cross at the Fernwood Dec. 1st

Post by glenowyn »

How about a Beer Cross or Coke Cross at the Fernwood on Thursday Dec. 1st around 7pm?
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Re: Beer/ Coke Cross at the Fernwood Dec. 1st

Post by Roland »

I'll be there.

Just wish it was Mojito Cross.
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Re: Beer/ Coke Cross at the Fernwood Dec. 1st

Post by Schofield »

I'll try and make it.
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BearPope Recruit
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Re: Beer/ Coke Cross at the Fernwood Dec. 1st

Post by BearPope Recruit »

I'll be there to celebrate 'cross but will be late, probably around 8pm. Thanks for organizing!