Are we riding Bikes or what???

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Are we riding Bikes or what???

Post by Plawless »

I was out Saturday and it was fine. Rumor has it Eric & Alan (and maybe more?) went out on Sunday. So........... time to dust off the alarm clocks and try to turn some of that holiday cheer (translation: Belly Fat) into fitness. So what say we give it a go tomorrow morning? :D
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Post by cashman »

I heard a few went out, however I heard couple went down :shock: ............can't confirm or deny this, but maybe those that rode can shed some light to the road conditions at that early a.m. time...............

Weather forecast is for light rain :cry:
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Post by JohnT »

Five went out on Sunday. We headed to Island View, but things were icy at Mt. Doug. We decided to head back along Blenkinsop (even more slippery). Thinking that the water-front would be best (warmer), we headed for the Uplands. All good until we hit the Cedar Hill X and Cadboro Bay intersection. I went down first and Eric followed with a sympathy crash. Both OK. Alan, Dave and Mike, inspired by the new kit, Toller Cranstoned the black icy. Next stop: Pure Vanilla.

It was between 3 and 4 degrees C when I left home just before 7 am and the roads from Fairfield to Queen Alexandria H. were fine. My feeling is that unless it's above 5 degrees in Oak Bay/Fairfield we should avoid Blenkinsop. But, if it's a few degrees above, a ride between Cadboro Bay Village and Beacon Hill would be good.

I'm keen (Heidi has another word for it).

See you at 6 am, IF my thermometer reads 3.5C or higher.

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Post by Alan »

I'd say John may be downplaying things somewhat--it was dangerous out there on Sunday. Though things close to the water are fine, there is the occasional icy drift that creeps partway across the road in places. (reminiscent of piles of leaves). And the icy Blenkinsop is definitely a road to be avoided at all costs. When John and Eric did their tumble on the ice, it was like they did it in unison, like synchronized swimmers, all beauty and grace...but definitely worth avoiding if you've got a whole bunch of guys following you at close range...
I'm gonna lay low until we've got a few more good days of rain and warmer temperatures... Maybe another spin class, Princess?
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Post by Plawless »

How can there have been no replies to the post that we are riding New Year's day at 8am from Fairfield? Planning on still being drunk?
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Post by Alan »

I'm in. The only hiccup (other than the ones following the night of drinking) is the lack of a post-ride coffee shop. Is anything open on New Years Day? We may have to crash someone's house who has an expresso machine and the will to use it.
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Post by Plawless »

good point Alan. I know the Cook St. Starbucks is open 10-5 so we can go there after but we may not get coffee in advacne so everyone ought to plan on being there right at 8 - no dawdling. I will see if I can find an open shop to meet at for 8am but no promises
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Post by Lister Farrar »

Happy new year all. I'm at Mt Wash. doing what one is supposed to do when it's winter: ski*. (*as in sliding on ice and snow on plastic meant for it, vs sliding on lycra not meant for it.)

Not that much snow, but what's open is very good condition. I have discovered unused parts of my lungs. I think I coughed up a small rodent.

Rob is here and just taught his daughter to ski on her own, so he is celebrating not having a sore back.
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