Advice on disc covers

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Chris Watt
Posts: 179
Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:56 am

Advice on disc covers

Post by Chris Watt »

Ironman two months off and need some advice from the TS brain trust on stuff I know nothing disc covers.

Yes/no? Downsides? Best place to get them? Anywhere local?

About all I know is they seem to work, are about 90 bucks from (way cheaper than disc wheels), almost as good as disc wheels.

Any wise words?

steven grandy
Posts: 33
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:42 pm

Re: Advice on disc covers

Post by steven grandy »

My best advice is to do the Sydney tt as much as possible. I remember when I did my first provincial tt I popped a few times due to pacing and discomfort from the position. (I sat up and softpedaled for a while) Without a doubt it cost me any advantage my wheels gave.

Disk covers are a viable option but it might be easier to borrow or rent a deep dish wheel off of someone. I've read that they add 1000g to the bike weight so this might be something to consider even though aero trumps weight in most cases. Don't forget a rear disk gives less aero gains than a good front because the air is dirty. I can't remember off hand but I think a a disk would give approximately a 15-25 second advantage over 40km at 40km/h.

Slowtwitchforums also might have some advice.

I just picked up a Ritchey carbon 50mm deep rear for $200 with 3 tubbies off usedvic because it was unpaired. So if you look around you might find something that suits your needs for close to the cost of buying and shipping a cover.

Try latex tubes in your tires. Choosing the wrong tire tube combo can negate any advantage gained from the disc cover.