Newton Heights June 29

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Newton Heights June 29

Post by JohnT »

A evening with so much promise, dashed by wind, a tree, and a hydro pole (with a smoldering hydro line) leaning over the race course. 50 m down the road and it would have been fine. As mentioned at the scene, good that it happened just before and not during the race. Some people see the best in everything.

Next time Kevin!

Dylan J C
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Re: Newton Heights June 29

Post by Dylan J C »

I was out for my first ride since my concussion. Sadly it was cancelled, but I went for a ride along Willis Point and Munns with Raph, Tom Skinner and Geoff Homer. In short I was served a nice piece of humble pie, and was dropped on Ross Durrance :shock:

Fortunately they let me catch up and we took turns going off the back for the rest of the ride. I've learned that I'm not in quite as good condition as I was before my unplanned time off, but I don't have too far to get back, so still a successful evening.
The day I quit is the day I die, and probably not even then.
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Kevin F
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Re: Newton Heights June 29

Post by Kevin F »

I think I got lucky with the cancellation. I rode out but was flagged down by a few saying it was cancelled. I have fresh legs a sinus cold still. Looking forward to two weeks from now! :mrgreen: