BC Masters - Mill Bay and Goldstream Heights Hill Climbs

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Barry McKee
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BC Masters - Mill Bay and Goldstream Heights Hill Climbs

Post by Barry McKee »

Great day for racing. The first race, kind of a warm up, was a 600 M ugly little hill in Mill Bay. I had a good result, 5th overall (2 min, 30 secs, unadjusted by age time) and 2nd in my age group. The second race was a 9k hill climb that ended at the high point on the Goldstream Heights road. I was poised for good things until I dropped my chain and well, that was all she wrote. Definitely saw one get away today. Duane Martindale, John Guthrie, Jeff(?) Stevenson and Rhonda Calinder had terrific results today.

Tomorrow is the Mill Bay road race. I see Ryan C is going up. I'll be there, but I'm not riding up.....
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Re: BC Masters - Mill Bay and Goldstream Heights Hill Climbs

Post by RyanC »

If I had to pick a day where I felt worse on the bike it would have to be last year's V2N2V.

Me & the heat are not compatible, it seems. My first DNF of the season.
:oops: <--- My face on lap two...

Tony Wakelund had a great ride, however, and smartly jumped onto the Steve Bachop express as it left the station with three laps to go. The pair held a 30 second lead to the end and Tony held off for second, having given the lion's share of pulling to Steve.

I spoke briefly with Barry before the start of the race but didn't see him afterward so I don't know how his day went.

Barry McKee
Posts: 110
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Re: BC Masters - Mill Bay and Goldstream Heights Hill Climbs

Post by Barry McKee »

X2 for me. Ryan, it must have been the sun, or the water, or the beef..... My sub-standard performance was rewarded by a sub-standard result = DNF. Felt ready to rock at the start and went out too hard. The large 50's group shredded when the 40's group went by. I noticed Ryan faded at the same time, but not until he gave some big pulls in front of the group I was in. I faded badly on lap 3 and had some cramping in the calf muscles so I bailed out and slinked home. This was not a course for a compact crank as there was much downhill and the up hills were quite manageable. Live and learn. That's racing!