Really good ride today. Fast pace, no stopping. We did 84 km with a fair amount of up-down from the coffee shop to the end of interurban (west saanich rd all the way back) in under 2 1/2 hours.
Sorry to John and Alan for suddenly bailing on coffee on the goose. Shawn decided he was going to try to catch the beginning of the oak bay ride to get in a few more km, and I made a last second decision to join him.
figure I ended the day around 120km door to door
saturday sufferfest jan 29th
Moderator: mfarnham
saturday sufferfest jan 29th
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Re: saturday sufferfest jan 29th
Good time had by all. I had considered doing the double - you might have talked me into it if I'd known. Having said that, coffee was good, eh Alan?
Re: saturday sufferfest jan 29th
Good action. I did mostly B-group Oak Bay ride, sensations today contraindicative to hard efforts, but ended up with 112 km and almost 4 hours so that's OK for a remedial Saturday outing.